Liberia: Weah Joins Muslims in Special Prayers Ahead of October Polls

Ahead of the October 10 presidential and legislative elections, President George Manneh Weah joined several Muslims in Liberia to offer special prayers for the nation.

Mr. Weah offered his solemn prayer at the Benson Street Mosque in Monrovia on Friday, 4 August 2023.

He urged all members of the Muslim Community to always pray for the maintenance of peace and tranquility during this delicate period in Liberia.

The prayer was organized by the ruling Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC).

It was observed simultaneously in all the 15 counties of the country with key emphasis on the 10 October 2023 presidential and legislative elections.

President Weah reminded citizens, especially the Muslim community about the absence of the international peacekeeping mission in the country.

He noted that the onus is on every Liberian to take full ownership of the state's peace and security.

President Weah indicated that the CDC government as a state actor has for the past years incontrovertibly managed to protect and sustain the state peace despite the absence of international actors who came to Liberia purposefully to implement the United Nations Agenda for peace.

Flanked by Muslim clerics and influential officials of the government including members of the CDC national campaign team, President Weah noted that it is his endearing hope and aspiration that Liberia never goes back to its painful past.

President Weah urged that the 2023 elections should be squarely based on civil political engagements based on genuine political perspective, not brutality.

Mr. Weah further admonished all citizens from different political spectrums to remember the importance of stability and be cognizant of the peace they enjoy as a people.

"Why it is true that everyone may not have the same political ideology and styles of approaching national matters, but the biggest achievement of all Liberians is to hold unto the peace during the national campaign season and after the results of the much-publicized October 10, 2023 polls," Weah pleaded.

He stated that it is only the National Elections Commission that is constitutionally authorized to announce results to avoid political misapprehensions that usually lead to unjustifiable incitements.

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