Liberia: This Should Never Happen Again

-Weah warns CDCians

President George Manneh Weah, on Sunday, 6 August 2023 delivered a stark warning to partisans of his governing Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) to do away with violence or anything that has the propensity to cause chaos and undermine the nation's democracy.

Mr. Weah partisans that they are the ruling government and should lead by example, always exhibiting peace and unity as the country goes to Presidential and Legislative Elections on October 10th.

The President's comments are in response to Saturday's start of official campaign here when dozens of ruling party partisans paraded the streets of Monrovia with a casket, bearing the photograph of opposition leader Amb. Joseph Nyumah Boakai of the Unity Party.

The CDC took the action to indicate defeat of the opposition barely two months before the poll and wished the UP Standard Bearer death.

The scene went viral on Social Media with many describing it as an unlawful act portrayed by the ruling establishment in breach of the elections law of Liberia and contrary to the Farmington Declaration signed recently by political parties and their leaders to uphold peaceful elections in the country.

Speaking Sunday during an intercessory prayer service held at the Eternal Life Ministries Tabernacle of Holiness in Barnesville for successful campaign activities across Liberia, President Weah condemned the act of ruling partisans parading with casket of the opposition, noting that this should never happen again.

He urged the ruling party supporters to always follow government's footprint of peace and democracy.

"This should never happen again. You cannot be with God and allinge yourself with the devil. What happened yesterday, should never happen again. We CDCians, we are peaceful and have been the ones keeping this peace from 2005 to 2017 till now. Besides, we as government should be hoping for a peaceful election", he said.

He said partisans of the ruling Coalition should not be carried away by noise from the oppositions and be distracted, but they must always prove supremacy over their rivals that they're the best and only government that has done much for the country.

"I urge you Mr. Chairman and your partisans, go to the tranches, the bushes, the communities and convince your people of what you are doing for them, and what you can do for them that others have not done for the people. Therefore, preach the message of your tangibles, and do not carry anyone's casket. If you believe in God, God will see you through; CDC, we are peaceful people", President Weah added.

Speaking earlier, the General Overseer of the Eternal Life Christian Ministries Tabernacle of Holiness, Prophetess Fatumata Abieso, rallied Liberians to retain the CDC and President George Weah, who she said is the only one that can move the country forward.

Preaching on the theme: "Stay in the Boat" Prophetess Abieso urged Liberians to stay in the boat of the ruling CDC in the face of waves of criticisms from the opposition.

According to her, Mr. Weah is the best leader for Liberia and its people, while describing the President as a simplicity of Jesus Christ.

The Prophetess urged the President to keep his focus, despite negative criticisms, and do what God has asked him to do for Liberia.

Bishop Abieso at the same time assured support of members of the Pastoral Network of Liberia in delivering a one-round victory for President Weah come October 10.

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