Liberia: Superintendent Prowd Cautious Citizens Ahead of Elections

Maryland County — Maryland County Superintendent George A. Prowd has cautioned the people of Maryland against violence during the pending presidential and legislative elections in October.

Superintendent Prowd's cautious to citizens at the Pleebo intellectual center followed official campaign declaration made by the National Elections Commission (NEC) on August 5, 2023.

The superintendent's daylong interaction with citizens brought together youth, women, supporters of political parties, and local government officials, among others.

Speaking at the discourse, he stressed that election is an event so it shouldn't be the reason why citizens would be against one another.

According to him, the best way to maintain peace in Liberia is by accepting one another's views and concerns despite political differences.

According to Superintendent Prowd, in days and months to come, the country will be engaged in a crucial democratic process, where diverse ideas and visions will be presented and as such, citizens should be educated on violence-free elections.

He urged the people of Pleebo, including political parties and candidates to respect one another, exercise tolerance, and constructive dialogue, stating that it's not forced for everyone to be on the same party, and this year's campaign messages should be void of violence.

"Let me say to you my citizens, please focus on the real issues that matter most to our people and accept a peaceful exchange of ideas because the peace of our country lies in our hands, and it is by peacefully engaging one another that we can build a better Liberia for all".

The superintendent use the medium to call on every citizen to peacefully participate in the democratic process and let the mind of peace guide them through the campaign season; stressing that together, they as citizens of the country can maintain the peace.

He at the same time presented two brand new TVS star motorbikes to the Voice of Truth 95.5 FM and the Voice of Hope 103.2 FM respectively, local community radio stations operating in Pleebo, Maryland County electoral district#2.

Mr. Prowd disclosed that the donation came from the local authorities through President George Weah as a way of giving back to the two community radio stations.

The citizens, including the management and staff of both stations, lauded the superintendent and promised to maintain the peace currently in the country.

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