Liberia: ALCOP Wants More Strategies On Voters' Education

The Vice Presidential Candidate of the All Liberia Coalition Party (ALCOP) Matthew V.Z. Darblo is urging the National Elections Commission (NEC) to step up strategies aimed at improving voter's education ahead of the October elections.

Mr. Darblo decries illiteracy among the population, emphasizing that not too many eligible voters understand voter's education, urging the Commission to beef up its energy with new ideas to ensure that the majority of registered voters understand the voter's roll.

He says strategies to support voter's education process will prevent too many people from voting wrongly and it will avoid violence during the October 10th Presidential and Legislative elections.

"If we all want free, fair, transparent, and violence-free elections we at ALCOL think there should be some additional strategies to voter's education to ensure that not too many people will vote wrongly so that when Lusinee Kamara wins the election, there can be no noise", he added.

At the same time, NEC Chairperson Madam Davidetta Browne Lansanah, announced the commencement of Civic and Voter's Education Campaign to sensitize citizens about their participation in the October elections.

She assured ALCOP that the NEC will augment its activities on the CVE exercises.

The NEC on Wednesday, August 2, 2023, paraded Sinkor Streets in Monrovia with the launch of the Civic and Voter's Education Campaign for the 2023 Presidential and General Elections, under the theme: "Citizens Participation is MUST."

Mr. Darblo made the call during a one-day intensive interaction with members of the Board of Commissioners of the NEC, ECOWAS, and UN- Liberia on promoting Peaceful 2023 General Elections held on Wednesday 2 August held on the theme: "Building the Confidence of the Presidential Candidates in workings of the NEC."

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