Nigeria: Biafra - Sit-At-Home Is Dead, Buried - Nnamdi Kanu

8 August 2023

The leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra, IPOB, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu yesterday, said that the Monday sit-at-home in the southeast is "dead and buried."

Kanu urged the people of the southeast to welcome the cancellation of the sit-at-home order.

Speaking through his lead Counsel, Ifeanyi Ejiofor, Kanu charged residents of the southeast to reject those using his name to dupe people.

Although it was IPOB that initiated the sit-at-home order to push for Kanu's release, the initiative was hijacked by criminal elements using the measure to cause havoc.

In a bid to find a lasting solution to the sit-at-home havoc, Kanu cancelled the initiative and replaced it with Economic Empowerment Day, EED.

A statement by Ejiofor read: "The Oracle #MNK himself has spoken. Even if it's hitherto voluntarily observed, our people are advised to critically assess the unquantifiable damages arising therefrom, and wisely welcome this unequivocal pronouncement by #MNK cancelling any form of sit-at-home, and reject the dangerous tendencies of criminal elements using the revered name of #MNK to dupe the gullible and vulnerable.

"Before it was warships parked at the banks of river Benue and River Niger; then, it was Biafra coming in 150 days; now it is donors for a phantom two weeks sit-at-home palliative.

"Before you donate, ask yourself, where and places any imaginary sit-at-home was observed.

"Let our people put on their thinking caps, and resist these serial fraudsters whose sole aim is to exploit their undying love for Biafra and #MNK.

"Biafrans are gifted with wisdom and can no longer be subjects of violent manipulation."

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