Liberia: Sara Nyanti Rallies Opposition Parties

-To safeguard Liberian democracy

The standard-bearer of the African Liberation League (ALL), Madame Sara Beysolow Nyanti, has hosted a landmark meeting aimed at fostering "collective action to protect the votes" in the upcoming Liberian general & presidential elections scheduled for October 10, 2023.

During the gathering attended by opposition political parties' representatives, delegates unanimously adopted a resolution pledging to work together in upholding democratic values, promoting voter education, and monitoring the electoral process to ensure fairness and transparency.

Held on Monday, August 7, 2023, the meeting witnessed the convergence of twenty-seven (27) delegates representing twelve (12) opposition political parties, reflecting a united front against threats to the integrity of the democratic process.

Amid growing concerns over potential electoral malpractices and voter intimidation, the only female Presidential Candidate took the initiative to rally opposition parties together, recognizing that a united front is crucial to safeguarding the democratic principles on which Liberia's future depends.

Held at Corina Hotel in Monrovia, the gathering witnessed Madame Nyanti outlining her vision for a transparent and fair electoral process, highlighting the significance of collective efforts in ensuring a level playing field for all candidates. In her address, she emphasized the need for unity, cooperation, and collaboration among opposition parties, transcending individual ambitions to protect the fundamental rights of Liberian citizens.

The meeting also served as a platform for opposition leaders to share their concerns and experiences regarding voter & opposition political parties' suppression tactics and electoral irregularities. As they exchanged ideas and strategies, the delegates collectively brainstormed measures to counteract any attempts to undermine the democratic process.

Dialogue session with opposition political parties

Reverend Nyanti's leadership and inclusive approach were widely praised by participants, with many expressing optimism about the prospects of a united opposition front in the upcoming elections.

"I firmly believe that Liberia's progress lies in the hands of its people. Our meeting today signifies our unwavering commitment to democracy and our determination to protect the rights of every Liberian to exercise their vote without fear or coercion," said Nyanti during her closing remarks.

The gathering marks a significant milestone in Liberia's political landscape, demonstrating the potential for strong and united opposition to bring about positive change and secure a brighter future for all citizens.

As Liberia moves closer to the October 10 elections, the "collective action to protect our votes" initiative promises to be a critical force in ensuring a credible and peaceful electoral process, setting an example for other African nations striving to uphold democratic principles.

With public anticipation building, the Liberian electorate looks forward to witnessing how opposition parties continue to collaborate and demonstrate their dedication to a prosperous, democratic Liberia on Election Day and beyond.

Madam Nyanti is an advocate for peace, national healing & reconciliation, poverty eradication, justice, systems/nation building, and sustainable development.

She has over twenty-five (25) years of experience in International Development, and leading transformation in conflict affected nations, and managing with integrity budgets of over one billion United States dollars yearly, as head of the United Nations to several countries, including South Sudan, Yemen, Nepal, among others prior to coming to politics.

Her decision to contest the upcoming elections is a response to Liberians' request for a better alternative in the Liberian political space; and to deliver the urgent healing, reconciliation, and development Liberia urgently needs from a Leader.

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