Liberia: Gongloe Acknowledges Freedom of Speech Under Weah

Margibi — A fearless critic of President George Manneh Weah's government, Cllr. Tiawan Saye Gongloe has praised the incumbent for his regard for freedom of expression.

The opposition presidential aspirant cited freedom of expression when journalists asked him recently in Margibi County during an interview to name the positive things that he could credit to Mr. Weah.

"The one thing I can credit him for is the freedom of expression," Gongloe noted.

He said the Kamara Abdullah Kamara Law was passed in 2018 and gives legal protection for people in Liberia to speak freely against the government and officials of the government.

He indicated that the president has been respecting people's expression against his government.

Cllr. Gongloe believes that being an opposition is not just about criticizing the government but saying the reality in the country.

He states that the Weah administration in 2018 made some efforts to pass the Kamara Abdullah Kamara law.

"Before that time, once the law was there, it was possible for police to arrest people for speaking against the government and the officials of government so that one, you can take it from him," said Cllr. Gongloe.

"The fact that he spearheaded the Kamara A. Kamara law, that was really, really good and it was a fundamental and historic thing."

Cllr Gongloe is a human rights lawyer-turned-politician who also seeks to unseat Mr. Weah through the 10 October 2023 elections.

Gongloe is one of the 19 presidential aspirants who were qualified by the National Elections Commission (NEC) to contest the presidency this year.

Other opposition aspirants for the presidency are former Liberian vice president Amb. Joseph Nyumah Boakai of the Unity Party (UP), and Mr. Alexander Benedict Cummings of the Collaborating Political Parties (CPP).

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