Liberia: CPP Mourns Fallen Senator Nateehn

The Collaborating Political Parties/Alternative National Congress (ANC) has declared 48 hours or two days of mourning following the death of its Senator, Daniel Nateehn, of Gbarpolu County.

According to reports, Senator Nateehn, who was National Chairman of the ANC, died early Tuesday, August 8, 2023, in India where he had gone for advanced medication following a period of ailment.

CPP National Chair, Musa Hassan Bility, confirming the death on his own Truth FM Radio on Tuesday, said the passing of Senator Nateehn came as a shock.

Chairman Bility said the CPP is suspending all political activities during the 48 hours of mourning the death of one of its executives.

CPP Standard Bearer and Presidential Candidate, Alexander B. Cummings, is quoted as writing on his Facebook page that he had spoken with the senator just days ago and wished him well prior to his sudden demise.

The late Senator Nateehn was a candidate in the October election and staunch member of the opposition community.

His death brings to two, the number of legislators who died in less than a month. In July, Grand Bassa County Representative, Hans Barchue, who was similarly seeking re-election, died in Monrovia following a brief ailment.

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