Liberia: Ellen Did Better Than Weah

Margibi — -Cllr. Gongloe

The Standard Bearer of the opposition Liberian People's Party (LPP) Cllr. Tiawan Saye Gongloe, grades performance of former President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf as better than incumbent President George Manneh Weah, particularly in her first term.

Cllr. Gongloe, who served in the cabinet of former President Sirleaf, made the comparison on a community radio station recently in Kakata, Margibi County while speaking on a variety of issues confronting the country.

According to the Liberian human rights lawyer-turned-politician, in the first three years of her first term, Madam Sirleaf rehabilitated all roads in Monrovia.

According to him, the former President in her first term also paved the road to his native Nimba County, and Grand Bassa County as well, which he says increased economic activities in the country, but notes that President Weah was totally untruthful when he told Liberians that since 1847, he is the only Liberian President that has built the highest number of roads across the country.

"As much as I disagreed with Ellen, in three years, she had done all the roads in Monrovia. They were all bad off and then she built the road in her first term to my county Nimba (Ganta) and that increased economic activities. Then she also built the road to Grand Bassa County but President Weah, lest to speak, was totally untrue when he said since 1847, he is the one person that has built the highest amount of roads. That is not true," he debunks.

He argues that the road constructed by former President Williams V. S. Tubman from Careysburg in Montserrado County to Cape Palmas, Maryland County is ten times more than what President Weah has done with roads in the country.

"The truth is that he has built more private buildings for himself than the private buildings that all of the Ex-presidents of Liberia built, from J. J Roberts to Ellen Johnson Sirleaf," he adds.

The LPP Presidential Candidate says Liberia is currently in an intensive care unit (ICU) under President Weah, cautioning that it will be a national suicide if Liberians were to reelect Mr. Weah.

He believes that Monrovia will not vote for Weah because a sitting government does not win election in the capital and instead, calls on Liberian electorate to elect him (Gongloe) for a better leadership.

"I call upon all Liberians to do everything to sweep this government out of power, because this government has made Liberia the 3rd poorest country in the world, has made Liberia the dirtiest country," he notes.

According to Cllr. Gonloe, President Weah is not fixing roads all over the country except for few roads in Monrovia and a little bit of cheap miles of road on the Ganta-Saclepea highway.

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