Liberia: 15th China Medical Team Offers Free Medical Services

The 15th China Medical Team in Liberia has ended a two-day visit at the China Union Investment (Liberia) Bong Mines Company, Ltd in Bong County, providing free medical services to employees and residents of nearby communities.

The free services covered general surgery, internal medicine, cardiology, stomatology, traditional Chinese medicine (acupuncture), ultrasound and basic health care, and multidisciplinary medical services.

The Chinese also offered free anti-malaria drugs, antihypertensive drugs, antibiotics, anti-allergy and various kinds of proprietary Chinese medicine drugs, totaling more than 700 boxes, over 200 copies of health brochures to nearly 300 employees from both Margibi and Bong countries and residents of nearby communities.

The initiative officially carried out from August 4-5, was in commemoration of the 60th Anniversary of the dispatch of China medical aid teams with the goal of deepening cooperation in the medical and health field between China and Liberia.

Over the past year and more, with the assistance of the Chinese Embassy in Liberia, the 15th China medical team has successfully completed four rounds of free clinics in Grand Bassa, Margibi, and Bong counties, including the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Phebe Gray Orphanage along the Robertsfield highway, respectively.

The Chinese medical team drove more than three hours to get at the company's site in the mountains of Bong County deep in the mountainous tropical rainforest, far away from major cities, with inconvenient transportation, relatively scarce medical resources, an area of high incidence of malaria, typhoid and other tropical diseases.

Before the start of the free clinical treatment, leaders of the local community and the company briefly introduced the basic information about public health, including establishment and operation of the medical station, health security, and disease spectrum characteristics of the employees and residents.

Chinese doctors gave suggestions on diagnosis and treatment, according to the patients, answered relevant questions, distributed medicines free of charge, and various health brochures about malaria prevention and control to the patients.

Speaking during the initiative, Dr. Wang Liang, leader of 15th China medical team extolled the company and residents for the invitation and trust.

"This free clinic was the last free clinic of the medical team this year and the last free clinic during the term of office of the 15th batch of medical teams. In order to ensure the smooth progress of this free clinic, the medical team has done a lot of meticulous work. Although the term of the 15th medical team is coming to an end, the medical team will continue to serve the Liberian people wholeheartedly with benevolence in accordance with China President Xi Jinping's instructions.

For his part, Mr. Bai Peng, general manager of China Union Investment (Liberia) Bong Mines Co., Ltd, said that the arrival of the Chinese medical team has greatly united the employees of China and Liberia, strengthened the relationship between the company and the local community, and provided strong assistance for the smooth progress of the project.

Residents of the neighboring community extolled the Chinese medical team for the initiative, expressing appreciation and excitement for the valuable drugs for malaria, typhoid fever, eye disease, and hypertension.

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