Nigeria: CP Owohunwa Charges Newly Promoted ASPs to Shun Career-Ending Excesses

15 August 2023

Commissioner of Police, Lagos State Police Command, CP Idowu Owohunwa, yesterday, charged newly promoted 1,400 Assistant Superintendents of Police, ASPs to shun excesses that would bring them down from the rungs of the ladder of their career.

Rather, he admonished them to stand on professional ground, by upholding what he described as distinctive values and characters that earned them the promotion, as well as making excellence their watchword in the discharge of their duties.

Owohunwa who gave the charge while decorating the officers at the conference hall of the command headquarters, Ikeja, Lagos, reminded them that their induction to the officer and strategic cadre of the Nigeria Police Force was associated with other obligations relating to professional outlook, ability to dissect complex security issues and taking decisions that would align with the law.

He, therefore, warned that "There is no more excuse in your duty. The IGP has said over and over again on assumption of office that promotion under his watch would be based largely on merit and seniority. You are the first set that will benefit from this policy.

"But I must remind you, to whom much is given, much is expected. The IGP stands on very high professional ground and he expects his followers to manifest excellence in their conduct at all times.

"So I appeal to you to see this promotion as another step in your bright career and the challenges, and position that will go with it. You should always be guided by the fact that certain values got you here. Don't change those values, so that those excesses will not bring you down."

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