Liberia: Weah Shows Strength in Mont. Co.

The face of the mighty Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) and President of Liberia, George Manneh Weah, and his campaign team have shown the strength of having control of the crowd in one of Liberia's vote-rich counties, Montserrado.

The county over the years has been considered the CDC stronghold due to its "Voice of Command" rallying supporters and partisans to grace the occasion one is organized. Besides, the CDC Political Leader's overwhelming vote was cast in his favor which made him the then Senator of Montserrado County including other seats won by them in past elections made them the (CDC) to hold such belief that the party has country over the county. Sadly, the CDC lost two by-elections in 2019 and 2020 respectively to an opposition lawmaker; something which made the opposition believe that the party has lost control over the county as opposed to their prior beliefs.

But the CDC jam-packed campaign tour which began on Tuesday, August 8, 2023, has probably left shock in the opposition community as to whether the party trust has been renewed and the hope of the people is fresh boast of its power President Weah and his team embarked on touring several districts which include #7, 8, 14, and 15, and were climaxed in one of Liberia's densely populated communities and strongholds of the president, New Kru Town. Although the CDC lost two bi-elections in 2019 and 2020 respectively to an opposition lawmaker, it seems that the party's trust has been retained by its partisans, supporters, and followers.

The heavy downpour on the day of the event couldn't stop supporters and CDCians from attending the program. The tour which kicked out in the Sinkor belt specifically the Nancy Doe, Jorkpeh Town Market brought together a huge crowd that created more than 2-3 hours long of traffic for passersby and onlookers. President Weah at the occasion praised his leadership for doing assiduously well for the country, especially for the students' community; most of whom are first-time voters.

President Weah boasted that his government has embarked on several developmental activities; a trajectory he assures the Liberian people that he would continue to do when he's given a second-term mandate for the betterment of the country. President Weah called on supporters to uphold the confidence reposed in him over the years so that Liberia can be transformed through his leadership as the head of state of the country.

The president thanked his supporters for trusting him to lead them over the years and promised to go beyond doing more positive things in the interest of the country. He named the Free Tuition Policy of his government including the payment of the West African Senior Schools Certificate Examination (WASSCE) fees as initiatives to reduce the financial burdens on parents and students in order to acquire knowledge that would prepare them for the future. President Weah recollected his struggling days at school; something which he said moved him to support education at all levels.

The Liberian leader who continuously named his spot on the ballot paper as #18 also outlined the maintenance of peace, free speech, and the building of more hospitals among other things as some of his achievements for which he should be given a second term. He also used the medium to encourage voters to consider voting representatives and senatorial candidates on his ticket if his government must succeed. "I want you to vote for the CDC candidates because if you vote for me and don't vote for them, then I will have a time so please don't isolate me...According to the president, the opposition would want to prove that he isn't doing better for the country by voting against whatever he has an interest in to be passed in the House of Legislature.

He encouraged the voters to do as much as possible to give him a one-round victory in the ensuing October 10, 2023 elections. Also speaking, Montserrado County Senator, Saah Joseph boasted of the president's work he has done over the years; something which he said makes President Weah deserves a second-term leadership. Sen. Joseph also outlined the pavement of roads across the country, WASSCE fees, and the Pro-Poor Agenda Free Tuition Policy as some tangibles that can be shown. According to him, the president has impacted more lives in theShare country by creating diverse opportunities.

For his part, Montserrado County, District #8 Representative, Acarous Moses Gray added that the gathering of the partisans was aimed at implementing a mandate, "a one-round victory". He called on the gathering to vote for President Weah on October 10, 2023, and Sen. Saah H. Joseph including him, Representative Acarous Moses Gray. Gray furthered that the party must maintain an absolute majority in the House of Legislature if it must succeed to implement the Pro-Poor Agenda.

Also at the program, the CDC Campaign Chairman, Min. Lenn Eugene Nagbe thanked the supporters and well-wishers for listening to the president through their turn-out to grace the occasion but was quick to mention that the gathering wasn't considered to him as a campaign. According to Min. Nagbe, the president has over the years campaigned based on the level of developments he has been engaged with.

Meanwhile, President Weah is expected to continue his campaign tour in other parts of the country as the process ensues.

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