Nigeria: I Expect 2023 Queens College Set to Soar As Global Ambassadors - Principal

16 August 2023

The Director/Principal Queens College, Yaba, Mrs. Oyindamola Obabori, has said she was delighted with the graduation class of 2023, who would become global ambassadors.

Obabori who spoke at the graduating ceremony of 567 students over the weekend, added her joy was that the rate of passing among the students was high, and the children have become better in their interpersonal relationships among other achievements.

QCP who recently took the baton of leadership noted: "Today we are sending graduating set of 2023 whom we tagged: the global ambassadors because expected them to do great across the globe.

"My word of encouragement is like I told the speakers to speak to them on the world awaits you. And because from history up to date, you can see that Queens College Old Girls are doing great things all over the world.

"And I expect more in this age from the students. They should be able to overcome whatever comes their way as problem, and be able to surpass the older generations."

On the improvement of the students in character and learning, Obabori explained that: "when I came, I saw some things that I could change. They would quarrel, fight and we were even sending some of them home for one thing or the other. But I do not want that, so I introduced pledges.

"The school pledge and Principal pledge where I told how they must be and behave at all times. That you cannot tell e somebody did this to you that is why you are retaliating. You must be able to hold yourself and understand yourself.

"And gradually, the students keyed in. they were behavioral change in them. We then put this into education, that is no examination malpractice. Some others have keyed in, and because they did, I believe that they can change for the better and do great things.

"We are going to stamp on this further in the next set so that eventually, all the ills in the community will fade out, and will become the real No. one in the country.

"And on their performance academic-wise, the improvement may not be seen now. But we expect that there will be an improvement. What I instill in them is not like the craze for 11 As. For me, it is not too good.

"Although parents would want their children to get all As. But for me, let all of them pass. Like we have five As or more. For instance, we did not get all As. But when you look at the spread of pass, it is high.

"In addition, we are trying to make them learn one skill or the other. Because, really parents keep saying be a Lawyer, be an Engineer, be a Doctor, but this may not be the potential of these children.

"We are not saying the parents are wrong. But we are saying that they should learn some skills. A lot of people end up not doing what they learned in school. We are letting them know that in this age AI and Robots, the world of work is changing. And they must fit in," she said.

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