Liberia: Rep. Fallah Says Goodbye to District#5

Montserrado District Five Representative, Thomas Fallah popularly known as T-5 has officially bided goodbyes to residents of District Five as he moves to Lofa County on a new political journey.

The Montserrado County District #5 lawmaker is contesting the Representative seat of District #1 (Foya District) in Lofa County in the ensuing Presidential and Legislative Elections.

In an emotional speech delivered when President George M. Weah and his Campaign Team visited the district as part of the Coalition for Democratic Change's ongoing rally, the high track Representative thanked residents of the district for the trust they reposed in him to have elected him three times as their lawmaker (2005, 2011 and 2017).

He informed the residents that as a mandate from his political leader, he was going on a different assignment in Lofa County where he will work to deliver the county to the President in the upcoming elections.

He promised the CDC Campaign Team that as a Kissi man, he will work hard so that the number of votes the President received in last election is increased to 60%. "Today is an emotional day for me and I will not be ungrateful. I want to thank the people of District Number Five," the lawmaker said.

Addressing the President, Fallah said, "Mr. President, I can assure you here today that Lofa County can never be the same. We want to make this commitment and this commitment will repeat in Lofa County that you can rest assure that 60% will vote you, Mr. President because they know what you have done."

The lawmaker said he has a crack team that will ensure that the number of votes from Lofa County, the home of Ambassador Joseph N. Boakai is totally in favor of the CDC.

He lifted the hands of the CDC Candidate of the District and called on residents to vote him as he will work in line with him.

On Saturday, August 12, 2023, President George M. Weah visited Montserrado County District Number Five and six respectively.

In remarks, President Weah said when he visited the area years back, he did not promise them good speeches but promised them good development.

According to him, he has kept his promises by working on the roads, hospitals, paying fees for kids and ensuring that everyone freely goes about their activities without being questioned by the administration.

He said they respect freedom of the press and free speech adding, "My government does not have political prisoners."

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