Liberia: CPP Nimba Suffers Mass Resignation

Nimba County — Several executives of the opposition Collaborating Political Parties (CPP) in Nimba County have resigned from their respective positions for what they term unfavorable working conditions.

They also name insecurity and lack of trust to run the affairs of the CPP in the county, while accusing the national executive of the Collaboration of allegedly taking unilateral decisions and forcing it on them to implement.

County executives that resigned from the CPP include Fong Gami Zuagele, county chairman and campaign manager, Paul Wehyee, former Liberty Party chairman and Co-chair of the CPP campaign team in Nimba, and Nimba County District#2 Representative Candidate, Jimmy Bokay, among others.

This is the second mass resignation the CPP has suffered in less than a month.

Few days ago, some county executives including district coordinators from the 19 administrative districts of Nimba resigned from their respective positions in the county.

Meanwhile, throwing in the towers are yet to disclose their next move in politics or which political party they might join, as the country goes to elections in less than 60 days.

Former county chairman Fong Gami Zuagele's letter of resignation partially reads, "Dear Mr. Brown, Mr. Musa Bility, and Mr. Alexander B. Cummings: I present my compliments and by this instrument resign from my position as leader of Team Cummings Nimba County in the 2023 elections in Liberia."

Paul Wehyee, Liberty Party county chairman and Co-chairman for the Team Cummings Campaign Team's Nimba chapter said, they were never respected despite bringing more people to the CPP to support Mr. Cummings' dream for the Presidency.

Also speaking, Nimba County District#2 Representative Candidate Jimmy N.C. Bokay said they were overlooked in the CPP and left with no alternative but to quit.

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