Liberia: CDC Considers Change of Government a Risk

Ruling Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) Chairman Mulbah K. Morlu says changing the leadership of the country would jeopardize Liberia's future.

"Let us be reminded that Liberia is in safe hands, and therefore it's risky to have a change in the middle of this journey," Morlu told CDC supporters Monday, 14 August 2023.

Upon his return from a state visit to Israel and other European countries, Mr. Morlu addressed a press conference at his party headquarters in Congo Town Monday.

According to him, any attempt for citizens to elect the opposition will be a disaster.

The CDC chairman said Liberia in the last six years under incumbent President George Manneh Weah is safe and there is no need to have a change.

He contended that President Weah has led the foundation to change things around in Liberia.

He stated that they can't afford to have a change now, pleading with voters to allow Weah to serve another six years term.

"We have a mandate to secure a first round victory, and that mandate can't be twisted. Tearing down banner is not the CDC way," he told his supporters.

He cautioned CDC supporters not to tear down opposition's banner due to anger.

According to Morlu, the best way to express any anger is to vote for a first-round victory.

"We must now begin to move from Church to Mosque, every trenches, because we have a revolutionary mandate to win in the first round," he continued.

Morlu stated that the CDC has assured its international partners that this election will be free, fair and transparent.

He said those that are pushing against that are trying to disenfranchise the voting population.

"We are not just relying on empty talk, we will campaign, work and act like first-round winners," Morlu noted.

He admitted that the CDC is struggling in two counties which he named as Nimba and Lofa.

He said the CDC finds it extremely difficult to win these two counties. However, he said recent results from the by-elections in Nimba and Lofa are sufficient reasons why the CDC will win in the first round.

Meanwhile, Morlu has assured CDC supporters that they will not be left out of the government's plans in terms of creating opportunities.

"No soldiers will be left behind in the times of employment, so it's incumbent upon us to fight and make sure to win," he promised.

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