Liberia: Weah Rallies Montserrado

With just a month and several weeks to the October elections, President George Manneh Weah and his ruling Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) continue to show supremacy, gathering thousands of partisans and supporters across several districts in Montserrado County, and leaving the opposition community here distracted.

Mr. Weah, who is seeking a second term in office, commenced campaign across several districts in Montserrado a week ago, keeping a strong grip on the county that hosts the nation's capital and seat of government.

Until the 2020 Special Senatorial Election, Montserrado had been considered stronghold of the CDC mobilizing legions of supporters mostly from slum communities to its "Voice of Command."

The CDC lost two by-elections in 2019 and 2020 respectively to the opposition; something that convinced the opposition community that the ruling Coalition has lost control of the county.

But the CDC jam-packed campaign tour that began on Tuesday, August 5, 2023, has sent shockwave down the spines of opposition politicians with many scratching their heads, wondering whether the ruling party has gained renewed trust and support of the people of Montserrado.

President Weah and his campaign team have toured several districts in the county, including Districts#7, 8, 14, and 15, 10, 11,12, ending in New Kru Town, one of Monrovia's densely populated communities and strongholds of the President.

Heavy downpours couldn't stop supporters and CDCians from turning out as the tour, which kicked off in the Sinkor belt right in front of the Nancy B. Doe, Jorkpeh Town Market, brought together huge crowd that created traffic congestion for more than three hours, leaving passersby and onlookers stranded.

President Weah at the occasion praised his leadership for doing assiduously well for the country, especially for the student community, most of whom are first-time voters.

Mr. Weah boasted that his government has embarked on several developmental activities, a trajectory he assures the Liberian people to continue for the betterment of the country if given a second-term mandate.

He called on his supporters to uphold the confidence reposed in him in the past five years so that Liberia can be transformed through his leadership while expressing gratitude to the people of Liberia for trusting him to lead the nation and promising to go beyond in doing more in the interest of the country.

The President named his government's free tuition policy, including payment of WASSCE fees, as initiative to reduce financial burdens of parents and enable students to acquire knowledge that would prepare them for the future.

President Weah recalled his struggling days at school; something that he said moved him to support education at all levels.

Naming his position on the ballot as #18, he outlined maintenance of peace, free speech, and building of more hospitals, among others, as some of his achievements for which he should be given a second term.

"I want you to vote for the CDC candidates because if you vote for me and don't vote for them, then I will have hard a time so, please don't isolate me", he pleaded.

He said the opposition would want to prove that he isn't doing better for the country by voting against whatever he has an interest in to be passed in the Legislature thus, encouraging voters to do as much as possible to give him a one-round victory in the ensuing October 10, 2023 elections.

Also speaking, Montserrado County Senator, Saah Joseph boasted of the President's work over the years; something that he said makes President Weah deserves a second term leadership.

Sen. Joseph said President Weah has impacted more lives in the country by creating diverse opportunities.

For his part, Montserrado County District#8 Representative, Acarous Moses Gray noted that CDCians converged to implement a mandate, which is "one-round victory" for Mr. Weah.

He stressed that the CDC must maintain an absolute majority in the House if they must succeed in implementing the Pro-Poor Agenda.

However, President Weah's campaign manager for 2023 and Liberia Maritime Authority Commissioner General, Lenn Eugene Nagbe, said the gathering for him, was not a campaign.

Mr. Nagbe maintained that President Weah has over the years campaigned for himself based on the level of developments he has initiated and is still engaged with.

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