Liberia: Unknown Company Dupes Several Liberians

Several Liberians have complained of being scammed by an unknown artificial intelligence company which they said has taken thousands of dollars from their mobile accounts over the past few months.

According to some of the victims, they have been subscribing to a video game introduced to them by Smart Al, an unknown company to enable them to increase their money on their mobile money account. Some have spent entire days playing various kinds of videos to increase their mobile money accounts.

"I hope Liberian Government can investigate this issues that is circulating around about citizens being scam by an artificial intelligence called Smart AI. Even some of our Epic Volunteers were victimized," concerned Liberian posted about the ongoing scam.

According to the poster, "This so-called scamming company came by no surprise; citizens were being scam because many people saw that as an opportunity to help them."

Some citizens said Orange-Liberia, a mobile GSM Company operating in the country needs to answer some questions for allowing an unknown Artificial intelligence to use their company without being aware.

"The question is, how did Smart AI get a business deposit code (399477) with Orange without their approval? I guess that sounds interesting, but Orange needs to answer this question," another poster noted.

Some of the victims of the scam have identified some of the customer care numbers. "This is the customer care number 0779044356 and the person's name are Aaron Tuokpan. The Lonestar Deposit number 0886648870 is owned by Aaron Mcgee; the manager number is +1 (505) 487-7376 which is not even from the United States but Mexico; Moses Woyah with the merchant number 0555462946 also needs to answer some questions," they added.

They noted that NB Bright Light Business with contact #0886396677 also needs to answer questions for serving as deposit receiver.

Those affected by the scam have identified some of their employees and their contacts. They include Elvis Portian whose fake name is Israel, contact #+231776240687; Prince Lehpoe, Contact #0888080449; Abel Varney, contact # +231880941490; Nathaniel Q. W. Gee Jr. Contact # +231775502589; Evelyn Wahzea contact # +231888365990 and Sawah RZ Anderson contact # +231777662798.

"How did they receive the Smart Seven phone for distribution, who gave them the phone? Let them bring their bosses on board for questioning," a poster said.

"I think all the victims of Smart AI need to trace them for investigation. That's my own way of helping you guys. I believe that those Yahoo boys are from Liberia, therefore, they are still here with us. Let's do this together," the poster urged victims of the unknown artificial intelligence company's scam.

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