Liberia: Vote-Rich Counties Falling to UP

The vice-presidential candidate on the opposition Unity Party ticket, Senator Jeremiah Koung has re-assured their commitment to win the ruling Coalition for Democratic Change in the first run elections with not less than 80% vote secure in his homeland, Nimba County.

Speaking with Journalists briefly in Sanniquellie, Nimba County, while on his 10-day campaign engagement in the county, Koung confirmed how overwhelming citizens have resolved to give them a sound victory in the upcoming October 10 elections.

"I'm here for 10 days. When I leave, they can bring the whole Central Bank because they have the resources but will take no effect. From here I'm going to Southeast and continue to Lofa, Gbarpolu, and Grand Cape Mount County."

" Senator Nyonblee Kangar Lawrence is in Grand Bassa, Senator Prince Moye in Bong County while Senator Dillon is working harder in Montserrado County. Our message is resonating fast around the country and our people are resolved to be delivered from the massive corruption, poverty among others governmental malpractices," the UP Vice Standard-bearer said.

According to him, they are not engaged in an expensive rally by trucking supporters from point to point due to a lack of sufficient financial backing compared to the ruling CDC. He, however, maintained that they are using door-to-door campaign formulas to be able to reach out to every citizen in their respective localities across the country.

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