Ghana: Adenta Municipal Assembly Supports Traditional Authorities to Observe Homowo

The Adentan Municipal Assembly in the Greater Accra Region yesterday donated assorted food items to the traditional authorities towards the celebration of this year's Homowo.

The items include 72 bags of maize, gallons of palm oil and carton of aromatic schnapps and Castle Bridge alcoholic beverages.

The Municipal Chief Executive (MCE), Alexander Daniel Nii Noi Adumuah, presenting the items said it formed part of the assembly's corporate social responsibilities to the community.

According to him, the peace and tranquility enjoyed in the area was due to the cooperation of all groups, hence the quest to support the traditional authorities and the Ga communities to celebrate their annual festival.

The festival, he indicated unites the people within and outside the municipality adding that "every traditional area has its unique identity and must therefore be supported to celebrate the festival in a grand style in order to showcase the rich culture heritage bequeathed to them by their fore fathers".

Nii Noi Adumuah charged the traditional authorities to use the occasion to unite the people for the promotion of sustainable peace and development in the area.

He said the time had come for the traditional authorities to speak with one voice and take collective decisions that would help the people to take advantage of government's flagship programmes to become self-sufficient.

The MCE urged the youth to observe the festive period peacefully devoid of incidents that would tarnish the image of the area, and also adhere to the existing COVID-19 protocols.

"The Homowo festival is an occasion for merry making and taking stock of past year's activities, let us celebrate it in moderation without the recording of casualties," he added.

The Adentan Mantse, Nii Adjei Dorblo II, on behalf of the traditional authorities commended the assembly for annually supporting the celebration of the festival.

"The MCE and the entire staff of the assembly must be commended for the annual support to the people during these times, the traditional authorities would forever be grateful and would continually lend its support for sustainable peace and development of the area towards the celebration of the festival," he added.

He assured of using the occasion to offer prayers for the government to pursue the socio-economic development of the area in order to transform the lives of the people.

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