Liberia: Our Eyes and Ears Are On You

Headquarters of the National Elections Commission

The Liberia National Law Enforcement Association (LINEA) has sent out a strong message to men and women of the Liberia National Police (LNP) as the force graduates many recruits who have been trained at the Police Training Academy ahead of the October 10 Presidential and Legislative Elections.

In a special message to new police recruits on Saturday, August 19, 2023, LINEA President, Cecil B. Griffiths said the eyes and ears of the Liberian public are on them with high expectations as they yearn for a professional police force that maintains neutrality, upholds justice and ensures a fair and peaceful electoral process.

Mr. Griffiths, himself a trained former police officer who is currently a University Lecturer in Criminal Justice reminded the Liberian police officers that they should be ready to embark on a mission that is just not a job but a call to service in order to maintain law and order.


Special Message to the new Police Recruits Graduates

From Cecil B. Griffiths, President of the Liberia National Law Enforcement Association

Monrovia, August 19, 2023

I am pleased to send you this congratulatory message as you graduate from the Police Academy and Training School, ready to embark on a mission that is just not a job, but a call to service. A service that is critical for the welfare of our society and the maintenance of law and order.

The role you are about to assume, as members of our police service, is one of utmost importance. You are the guardians of justice, the frontline defenders of our social contract, and the upholders of the rule of law and order.

As I commend you for your achievements, I wish to dwell on the principle that is fundamental to the noble profession you are about to enter - the principle of non-partisanship in law enforcement. It is a principle that is sometimes challenged, especially in times of political tension such as the impending elections.

Our nation is on the cusp of election. The public eyes are on you, and public expectations are high. They yearn for a professional police force that maintains neutrality, upholds justice, and ensures a fair and peaceful electoral process.

In this regards, I call upon the Government to provide the necessary logistical support to the police service, enabling them to carry out their duties professionally. Our law enforcement officers should not be hindered by a lack of resources, but empowered to fulfil their responsibilities effectively.

To our graduating recruits, the path ahead will not be easy. As you step into your roles, remember that your actions will be under scrutiny particularly from civil society and the public at large. They will be watching, monitoring, and expecting the highest standard of conduct from each one of you.

Our nation's history and the recent upheaval in the West Africa region remind us of the consequences when law enforcement agencies fail to uphold the rule of law, choosing instead to connive with the leadership for personal or partisan gain. Such actions not only delegitimize the force but can lead to social unrest and instability, even coups.

The police force must be an institution that promotes and uphold the rule of law, not one that bends it for political or personal advantage. Remember, you are not servants of any individual or political party; you are servants of the law, and by extension, servants of the people.

Upholding the rule of law is vital for development and social cohesion, it fosters an environment of trust, fairness, and respect, promoting peace and stability, which are prerequisites for any form of advancement. Therefore, your role in facilitating this cannot be overstated.

As you embark on this noble journey, I urge you to remember your duty to our society. Your integrity, professionalism, and commitment to upholding the rule of law will define your success in this profession.

Let us together stand for justice, for peace, and for the better future of our nation.

Thank you and congratulations to each and every one of you on your graduation. May you serve with honor, courage, and unwavering commitment to your duties. God bless you all, and God bless our nation.

Signed: ____________________

Cecil B. Griffiths

President, LINLEA

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