Liberia: 500 Students in Rivercess to Benefit Registration Fees

To boost enrollment in public schools, three officials of the CDC-led Government have made a commitment to pay registration fees for all students desirous of attending the Cestos High School in River Cess County this academic year.

Cestos High is the oldest public school in Rivercess County.

The pronouncement was made during the weekend at the official launch of Team Ruth Coker Collins for Weah's Reelection in Cestos City, Rivercess County amidst huge applauds from jubilant students and parents.

Committed to the second term bid of President Weah, the group is the biggest auxiliary of the governing Coalition for Democratic Change in Rivercess County.

The three officials of government are Madam Ruth Coker-Collins, Dr. Wilhelmina Jallah and Cllr. Charles Gibson, Ministers of Public Works, Health and Labor, respectively. They are among prominent citizens of Rivercess serving in the Weah Administration.

Speaking at the event, Minister Coker-Collins said it was an honor serving in the government and one of the ways to show appreciation by contributing to their county mainly in the area of education.

Education at government secondary schools is free, but students are required to pay between L$2,000 and L$3,000. Some students cannot afford this amount due to poor livelihood. This intervention would cost the duo about US$1.2 million.

Mr. J. Kwame Ben Yarley, Principal of the school said the gesture was timely considering the harsh economic reality. According to Yalley, such move would serve as a relief to struggling parents and students during the 2023/2024 school year.

"I'm so impressed. I'm so happy for this great opportunity to be afforded to our students. It will serve as a motivation to them."

The Principal in an interview with journalists in Cestos minutes following the pronouncement said the administration had projected 500 students as the total enrollment this year. When asked how the projection was derived, Yalley revealed that the enrollment last academic year was 335 students, but said the projection was on the basis of a motivation package provided to high school students by the World Bank. Under the "Improving Results in Secondary Education (IRISE)," the Principal said, each senior high student will receive US$295 which he believes will increase enrollment.

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