Nigeria: Niger Crisis - Tinubu Gets Feedback From Islamic Leaders, Sends Team Back for Dialogue

24 August 2023

President Bola Tinubu has met with a delegation of Nigerian Muslim leaders (Ulamas), led by Sheikh Dahiru Bauchi, at the Presidential Villa, Abuja, on Thursday.

Recall that the group of Islamic leaders recently offered to interface with the coup leaders in Niger Republic on behalf of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), and got the approval of President Tinubu and actually interacted with the junta's head, General Abdourahamane Tchiani, in Niamey penultimate weekend.

The Ulamas met President Tinubu, who is the Chairman of the ECOWAS' Authority of Heads of State and Government, to brief him on the outcome of their visit to Niger Republic over the political situation in the country.

It would be recalled that the ECOWAS had taken steps to show its disapproval of the military takeover of power in Niger by imposing a series of sanctions and an ultimatum, which the body threatened could lead to an armed response.

The Ulamas, who were opposed to military intervention in Niger, as threatened by ECOWAS, said that apart from the dire consequences of armed conflict, they were enjoined by their religious faith and the Quran to seek mediation first in every matter before resorting to war.

Meanwhile, President Tinubu, after getting the feedback from the clerics, has asked the team to return to Niger Republic for dialogue with the Junta.

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