Ghana: Gbese Mantse Outdoors New Chiefs, Elders

The President of the Gbese Traditional Council, Dr Nii Ayi Bonte II, has sworn-in Nii Okaidja Dzata I, and Naa Dedei Akanua II as the new chief and queenmother for Kojo Ashong, one of the 104 communities under the Gbese Traditional Area.

Also a number of elders of the Nii Okaidja Family of Gbese, including Nii Ayitey Gbetsulo I, Nii Okai Larsulo I, and Nii Akama Shuoblo I, were also sworn in as the Akwashongtse, Dzaasetse and Shippi respectively.

At a ceremony to outdoor the new chief and elders at the Gbese Palace in Accra last Saturday, Nii Ayi Bonte congratulated the newly enstooled chief and elders for their elevation and urged them to help improve the lives of their subjects.

He said the stagnation in terms of development witnessed in Accra was as a result of poor leadership, disunity and lack of honesty among some of the chiefs and family heads.

Nii Ayi Bonte said the situation must not be allowed to continue, stressing that "We must reverse our ways of doing things and ensure that Accra regains its lost glory. Let us unite and fight for the development of our people because that is the only way by which we will gain their confidence and support."

Touching on the new roles bestowed on the new chief and his elders, he said their allegiance must first be the Gbese Stool and secondly the whole of the Ga State.

"I urge Nii Okaidja Dzata I to ensure peace and unity among the people and the palace as well as focus on the development of the people. We must not do things that divide us as a people but must work to ensure that we develop in peace," he emphasised.

On his part, Nii Okaidja Dzata

I expressed his appreciation to the Nii Okaidja Family of Gbese and pledged allegiance to the Gbese Stool.

Speaking on behalf of his queenmother and elders, he said he would work hard to uplift the image of Kojo Ashong and also push for the development of the area.

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