Gambia: Victims' Centre Announces Suspected Burglary

31 August 2023

The Gambia Center for Victims of Human Rights Violation yesterday announced its office door had been broken and ransacked with three laptops taken away.

"Today at the wee hours of the night, the Victim Center's office was broken into and ransacked. This is a very sad news for the entire VC staff to be called early this morning with the news of a burglary in the office. When all the staff came, the office was upside down, documents were all over the place, and it was quite a mess," according to a statement released on Twitter.

"The thieves have taken 3 laptops, a charger, and our internet router. The matter has been filed at the Senegambia police station for further investigation, and they have come to the office to gather evidence. The statements of the first witness and a few people who had arrived at the scene earlier have been taken," it added.

"We hope to see the outcome of the investigation soon from the police and hopefully the recovery of the items taken. For now, please pray for the VC to recover from this shocking experience."

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