Liberia: 1,460 CDC Auxiliaries Join Party Chairman Morlu in Preparation for Official Campaign Rally

Monrovia — In recent days, social media has been flooded with speculations about a rift between the National Chairman of the ruling Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC), Mulbah K. Morlu, Jr., on one hand, and the party's Standard Bearer, President George Manneh Weah, and the National Campaign Manager, Eugene Lenn Nagbe, on the other.

These speculations have been fueled by opposition parties who see the purported divisions as a potential advantage to gain political influence. Surprisingly, the party's National Chairman broke his silence when he addressed thousands of officials from the party's 1,460 auxiliary groups in anticipation of the "One Round Victory" rally scheduled for September 7, 2023, at the Antoinette Tubman Stadium in Monrovia.

Speaking amidst enthusiastic cheers from a crowd of supporters on Sunday, September 3, 2023, Chairman Morlu stated that the opposition has every reason to resort to baseless propaganda against him because they fear the inevitable defeat that awaits them in the October 10 polls. He emphasized that, as the leader of the largest mass-based political institution, he would have been surprised if the opposition had not been trembling with fear in the face of the CDC's realistic 'One Round Victory' in October.

"They are not resting, thinking that they can lie their way to power. Don't listen to them. They want to distract us," he said.

Morlu added that he would do the same if he were in the current state of the opposition, where there is no indication that the Liberian people are looking in their direction for the next several years.

The CDC Chairman, with a hoarse voice, stressed that partisans of the ruling party should rise above the frivolous political gimmicks being employed by their opponents, stating, "If they can't convince you, they would want to confuse you."

Chairman Morlu's remarks were met with thunderous cheers from the partisans who had gathered on Sunday evening to maintain the momentum for the September 7 'One Round Victory' Rally.

However, Chairman Morlu reiterated his plea for members and supporters to refrain from violence and to remain circumspect in the face of provocations from the opposition community. He pointed out that he is too busy dealing with the tasks assigned to him by the party's Standard Bearer, President Weah, and has no time to waste on those who are losing on every front. He disclosed that everything is in place to ensure that all partisans receive t-shirts to wear at the Antoinette Tubman Stadium on September 7, 2023."

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