Liberia: Don't Vote for Cosmetic Development!

5 September 2023

-Dr. Whapoe warns Liberian electorate

Presidential Candidate Dr. Jeremiah Z. Whapoe, is warning Liberians not to vote for cosmetics development, adding it is the cause of Liberia's long-standing economic, agriculture and poverty challenges.

Speaking to citizens in Harrisburg, Montserrado County, District One on Sunday, September 3, he urged Liberian electorate to instead, elect what he calls a goal-oriented leader that has the platform to sustainable development.

"You will see people coming to you and requesting for your votes on grounds that they have done something for your country and community; please don't vote them. Don't vote any cosmetics development because it has the propensity to allow our country to continue to suffer", Dr. Whapoe further cautions.

The Vision for Liberia Transformation Party (VOLT) candidate describes the ruling Coalition for Democratic Change government a failed administration that has done nothing sustainable for the people of Liberia.

"Vote for policy, not flashing things. Don't vote cosmetic development. You have to look at those policies that are achievable, and reachable before you vote. You have to prioritize that policy and vision that has the paramount responsibility of giving you economic growth, jobs opportunity, better education, healthcare and international respectability."

Over the weekend, a group under the banner, Nimba Kwado based in Harrisburg community, officially welcomed Dr. Whapoe to the community in continuation of his engagement with residents explaining his goal for a better and transformed Liberia, if elected President in October.

The gathering was graced by hundreds of residents, including community leaders, youth, women and children, among others.

Dr. Whapoe promised that under his leadership after the October 10th polls, Liberia will become food sufficient and agriculturally productive.

"Under my leadership, we will ensure that Liberians contribute to nation building. We will do that by ensuring that Liberians become part of the agriculture revolution that we intent to launch. We will make sure that there will be no agricultural product in the country that we can't produce", he vows. Editing by Jonathan Browne

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