Liberia: Flood Hits Kpatawee Waterfall

Torrential rains in several parts of Liberia, including Western, Central and Northern Liberia has left devastating flooding in these places including the famous Kpatawee region in Bong County. Kpatawee Waterfall has been the country's most famous destination of recent for tourist attraction.

According to report, from Bong County, and other places in Nimba, and Margibi Counties, the heavy rain fall in recent times have affected hundreds of people across these counties overturning livelihoods, and displacing hundreds from their homes including devastation of hundreds of hectares of rural farmlands.

The flooding in those counties is one of the worse in recent decades. Unlike usual flooding in Montserrado County which is home to many mangroves,' the counties of Bong, Nimba, and Grand Cape Mount have experienced little or no flooding since the 1980s.

"The Liberia National Red Cross Society (NRCS), a vital pillar of hope and support for affected communities is currently facing an insufficiency of resources to effectively sustain its humanitarian operations and address critical needs.

The Liberian Red Cross is therefore calling for urgent support from all sectors to help these communities recover quickly and build resilience against future shocks.

In the Liberian capital, several communities in Montserrado County, including Red Hill, Crabhole, Doe Communities on Bushrod Island, part of Bardnersville Township, Johnsonville and Old Road in Sinkor, have all been affected.

The spontaneous floods have sparked new debate for a quick assessment by government functionaries, including communities for climate adaptation.

Recently the National Disaster Management Agency warned Liberians to brace themselves as the situation of flooding could worsen. The agency's Weather bug predicts continued heavy rainfall throughout September 2023.

This climate-related disaster is a repeat of the worst flooding cases that have been happening across the country in recent years. Many experts believe that the level of flooding that the country has experienced in recent years is climate change-induced. The country is being impacted by coastal erosion and a rise in the level of the sea.

"The situation has been extremely devastating" a Liberia National Red Cross statement which quotes its initial assessment report, said. "The heavy rainfall and subsequent flooding have caused significant damage to homes and infrastructure displacing residents and leaving them in urgent need of support.

A short-term meteorological forecast released by the Environmental Protection Agency of Liberia (EPA) and partners showed above-average seasonal rainfall across the country with a risk of flooding affecting people and further driving up humanitarian needs.

In a stern warning early July 2023, the EPA advised residence of Monrovia and its environs of unprecedented rainfalls that would cause flooding in many parts of the county. EPA noted, "The primary concern at the moment is safeguarding the public health and the environment. With the imminent threat of flooding, we would like to advise all residents of Liberia to act responsibly and collectively to mitigate potential risks."

"You have to stay informed, and updated with the latest weather forecasts, advisories, and emergency warnings to remain aware of the changing conditions," the statement warned. "Refrain from walking or driving through flooded areas, especially during heavy rainfalls. Seek higher ground if you encounter rising water levels."

Meanwhile, the Red Cross is soliciting assistance to provide urgent emergency assistance packages to targeted flood-hit women, men and children in critically affected areas. Officials of Red Cross said it would need a little over U$20,000 fund drive to rescue flood-affected communities.

According to LNRCS, the fund drive is a local plea to help areas that have been severely damaged by the onslaught of rain. "There are humanitarian needs and we provide vital assistance to communities affected by the recent flooding,"

"The situation is expected to worsen as the National Disaster Management Agency's Weather bug predicts continued heavy rainfall throughout September 2023. Therefore, it is crucial to mobilize support and donations to aid the affected communities," the Red Cross said. "We need to also be prepared to help those who may come to us in the days ahead."

"The LNRCS recently highlighted the pressing humanitarian needs within communities that demand immediate action. Liberia faces various humanitarian challenges, including natural disasters, inadequate access to clean water, food insecurity, and heightened socioeconomic vulnerabilities." A statement from the Red Cross read.

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