Liberia: Western Cluster to the Rescue Again

Western Cluster-Liberia Limited, a concession company operating in Bomi County has been praised by citizens of the country for its numerous contributions towards sporting activities in the county.

Not only that, but also, other social development activities the company has been engaged into. The commendation came out as a result of the just-ended two-community tournament held in Tubmanburg, Bomi County.

The community tournament which was held in Tubmanburg, Bomi County, was supported by other companies, but Western Cluster Limited according to organizers, made the highest contributions as a means of fostering relationship with the county, mostly young people in Bomi County.

At the end of the two-community tournament in Tubmanburg, Bomi County, Western Cluster Limited received commendation from Tubmanburg City Mayor for being the highest contributor to the tournament.

The Tubmanburg traditional tournament ended Sunday September 3, 2023.

The tournament started in July this year with more than twenty-five communities from Tubmanburg City participating. At the climax of the tournament there were prizes awarded to winners as well as non-winners who received lower prizes

Commenting on the commendation from citizens of Bomi County, the Head of Western Cluster-Liberia Limited, Mr. Chetan Savant extended thanks to the Tubmanburg City Cooperation for recognizing his company. He promised to do more for the young people and the citizens of Tubmanburg, Bomi County.

Western Cluster Limited operates in Bomi Hills, Bea Mountain, and Mano River; in the country's western region, which is known for its high poverty rate. The Bomi Hills deposit was once owned by the former Liberia Mining Company (LMC), which ceased work in 1990.

The company has provided hand pumps, constructed roads as well as built bridges.

The company invested huge amount in country and started operations since January 2023. They have been paying community development funds, taxes , constructed two major bridges - the Klay Junction Bridge and the Gui Town Bridge; upgrading and maintaining the Tubmanburg to St. Paul River Bridge Road; and several other communities and infrastructure development been done.

The winners of Football and Kickball were presented the trophies and also medals to individual star players in both the type of games by Mr. Chetan Savant, Head of Western Cluster Ltd.

Western cluster Ltd was a major sponsor of the Tubmanburg Community Football and Kickball tournament which was arranged first time by City corporation of Tubmanburg.

City Mayor Edwin also appreciated for the company's support to make this tournament successful which stated on 16th July and final was played on Sunday September 3, 2023.

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