Liberia: 'Pres. Weah Has Enslaved You' - CPP Vice Standard-Bearer Cllr. Charlyne Brumskine Asserts At Intellectual Forum

Monrovia — As the October 10, 2023 Presidential Election draws closer, the Vice Standard-Bearer of the Collaborating Political Party, CLLR. Charlyne Brumskine, has declared that the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) government, over the past five years, has subjected the Liberian people to enslavement. She strongly urged Liberians not to vote for the CDC-led government.

Speaking at the Center for the Exchange of Intellectual Opinion (CEIO) in Central Monrovia on Wednesday, September 6, 2023, Madam Brumskine criticized the government for excessive spending on campaigning while leaving its citizens in abject poverty.

"They have created a system where the government treats you as slaves. The government is subjecting you to a state of servitude, and if you, as a civil servant, dare to be critical of the government, you and your family risk losing your jobs," CLLR. Brumskine said.

According to Madam Brumskine, the government is allocating $20 million for its campaign, while nearly every government sector is experiencing setbacks.

She added, "Why are we applauding a government with a campaign budget of $20 million when our healthcare system is deteriorating and our educational system is in shambles? As you walk the streets, you are inundated with CDC billboards. You cannot go anywhere in the city without seeing a red beret."

"The money that should be invested in your children's education, the funds that should provide quality healthcare, are being squandered. Women and children are dying in hospitals due to the lack of electricity."

"Just yesterday, I visited King Gray in Montserrado County District #6. Since the public school was built, they cannot open their doors for the children because they lack chairs. They asked me to buy chairs for them so that these children can attend school."

"Yet, the women who were requesting my assistance were wearing CDC attire and berets. Let me be clear, the $20 million that rightfully belongs to you is being used for campaigning, ensuring that you remain enslaved."

"Liberians, Liberians, you are pledging allegiance to someone who will not pledge allegiance to you. You are sacrificing for a political leader who will not sacrifice for you. What has happened to this country in the past six years is nothing short of devastation."

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