Ghana: Court Stays Motion for Execution of Bond Against Odehye Kwasi Akuffo

7 September 2023

The Akuapem-Mampong District Court in the Eastern Region on Tuesday stayed motion for the execution of bond against Odehye Kwasi Akuffo to desist from parading as Okuapehene, filed by the Ghana Police Service.

This follows application filled by Ansah Asare, the defence counsel for Odehye Akuffo, at the Koforidua High Court, prohibiting the District Court from hearing the motion on grounds that it lacks jurisdiction.

Odehye Kwasi Akuffo, who contested the Ofori Kuma stool, was recently accused of parading himself as the Okuapehene, at a funeral, despite gazetting of Oseadeyo Kwasi Akuffo III as the Okuapehene.

The incident heightened tension in Akropong.

The motion by Ghana Police Service (GPS) was for the execution of bond for keeping the peace, against Odehye Akuffo to desist from parading himself as Okuapehene when he is not Okuapehene defacto or de jure .

Chief Superintendent (C/ Supt) Sheila Kesse Abayie Aggrey-Buckman presented the case on behalf of the Inspector General of the Ghana Police Service.

However, counsel for Odehye Akuffo, the respondent, Ansah Asare, reminded the court that his client has filed a prohibition order at the Koforidua High Court to stop hearing of the motion at the District Court, which has been served through the registrar.

Mr Asare stated that there was no provision in the Constitution of Ghana that prohibits a royal from dressing as a royal.

The counsel, therefore, said the accusation against Odehye Akuffo that he dressed and paraded himself as Okuapehene has no merit, since he only dressed as a royal.

Mr Asare said the motion for the execution of bond against Odehye Akuffo was a ploy to disturb the peace of Akropong.

He stated that in the first place, the area don't have an Okuapehene so no one can force anyone on them so how can it be an offence for an Odehye to be dressed like royal.

Chief Supt Buckman rebutted the defence counsel's claims, stating that the decision by the Ghana Police Service to bond Odehye Akuffo is for maintenance of peace in Akropong and Okuapeman in general.

The court presided over by Ms Felicia Anan-Antwi, ruled that under the circumstance of the prohibition order, the court stays the motion for execution of bond until the determination of the case.

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