We must move boldly into the future knowing God is with us, and the choice is very clear: inclusion and coexistence or exclusion and non-existence, that is the choice before us today, if we want to build a nation.
I can evaluate the level of a person's encounter with God by the level of transformation in their life. It is not possible to encounter the true and living God and remain the same. Partial transformation or total transformation, that is the question?
My God is a God of love. I believe that He exists, and I believe that He rewards those who diligently seek Him.
While I am unashamed and unapologetic about my faith, I believe in total religious tolerance. I believe in inclusion.
In my government I will respect the right of anyone to choose their faith and practice their faith without hindrance or persecution.
In my government I will respect the right of an individual who chooses not to prescribe to any faith.
In my government I will respect and protect the individual freedoms that stand as fundamental pillars of democracy.
We live in a world that should be easy and simple, but is complicated because we made it complicated. It is possible to be deeply spiritual, and intensely practical, and live a perfectly normal life.
Long live Liberia. God bless Liberia.