Nigeria: No, Nigerian President Bola Tinubu Hasn't Set Date for Country's Much-Awaited Census

IN SHORT: Nigeria is due for a census, the last one being in 2006. But claims that the president has ordered the National Population Commission to conduct one in November 2023 are false.

"CENSUS EXERCISE TO BE CONDUCTED IN NOVEMBER 2023," reads the headline of a message posted on Facebook in Nigeria on 14 August 2023.

The text reads: "The president Bola Ahmad Tinubu, has directed the national population commission to conduct the national population and housing census in November 2023."

The message continues to claim that its staff are ready and that refresher training will be provided.

The National Population Commission (NPC) is responsible for counting the country's population through regular censuses and surveys.

In July, the commission said it was ready to conduct the census and that Tinubu would set a date. The last census in the country was in 2006.

The claim was also posted on Facebook here and here. But is the message authentic?

Fake news

On 23 August 2023, the NPC disowned the claim.

"The Commission wishes to inform the public that President Bola Ahmed Tinubu has not fixed a date for the conduct of the upcoming Population and Housing Census in Nigeria," the disclaimer reads.

"Kindly note that when there is a date for the census, it will be announced in the national media and on the NPC social media platforms and website."

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