Uganda: If Kyagulanyi Wants to Be President of Uganda, He Should Refrain From Insulting Museveni, Muhoozi - MP Asiimwe

(file photo).
12 September 2023

Enos Asiimwe, the MP for Kabula country, has urged Robert Kyagulanyi, the leader of the National Unity Platform(NUP), to cease insulting President Museveni and his son Gen Muhoozi Kainerugaba if he desires to become the president of Uganda.

He also advised Kyagulanyi to distance himself from being labeled as a tribal leader if he wants to be a respected leader who will be embraced by people from all regions of the country.

"I firmly believe that he is resorting to insulting leaders. Criticising Museveni and his son (Gen Muhoozi) is not appropriate for a leader. Instead, focus on their shortcomings, and everyone will understand. I need to be convinced to even consider Kyagulanyi as my leader. He must refrain from insults and effectively convey his message," Asiimwe remarked.

During an appearance on NBS Morning Breeze on Monday, Asiimwe stated that Kyagulanyi should not be a leader who divides the country.

"He is a young person and has the potential to lead this country. However, he needs to work on that potential and convince people like me, who have supported the NRM party for my entire life, that he can be a better replacement," he said.

Asiimwe expressed significant disappointment with the musician-turned-politician over a speech he delivered during one of his rallies.

"We must acknowledge that the tribal sentiments in his speech did not originate with him and will not end with him. As leaders, we should not contribute to amplifying tribal issues," he stated.

Asiimwe questioned why the NUP party included the word "unity" in their name, suggesting that it is because they understand the importance of unity in leading the country.

As leaders, he emphasised the significance of finding ways to unite the people.

"Kyagulanyi's speech in Luwero was too personal. For the NUP to lead this country, they must recognize that there needs to be a unifying factor, not a dividing one," he emphasized.

On Monday, the police announced that they have initiated investigations into allegations that Kyagulanyi was involved in hate speech and sectarianism during one of his recent rallies.

"There has been extensive debate, and a general inquiry has been launched by the CID.They are currently gathering statements and monitoring social media for any related utterances and footage," stated Police spokesperson Fred Enanga.

During one of his rallies in Luwero, Kyagulanyi called upon "Fellow Baganda" to rise up and fight for their ancestors.

He further criticised President Museveni and the First Son, Gen Muhoozi Kainerugaba, stating that Museveni believed he could establish his dynasty on Buganda's ancestral land.

This video has since gone viral, with members of the public, particularly on social media, accusing Kyagulanyi of encouraging tribalism.

Addressing the allegations, Enanga stated that as part of the investigation into Kyagulanyi's alleged hate speech and sectarian remarks, the Criminal Investigation Directorate would scour social media and other sources for the mentioned videos.

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