Liberia: Nobody Can Rig Liberia's Election

13 September 2023

--LNBA claims

The Liberian National Bar Association (LNBA) believes that no political party or individual can rig the upcoming October 10, 2023, presidential and legislative elections.

The LNBA's statement is against speculation that there is a conspiracy to grossly subvert the will of the Liberian people during the October elections.

The LNBA described the speculation as evil, saying it has no foundation in the democratic system of the country.

Through a press statement dated 12 September 2023 under the signature of LNBA National Secretary General Cllr. Bornor M. Varmah, the Bar indicated that nobody or a political party can thwart the democratic wishes and aspirations of the Liberian people.

"The LNBA fully assures its membership and the Liberian public that no one has the capacity to rig the October 10 elections in order to thwart the democratic wishes and aspirations of the Liberian people," the release said.

"As to the speculation that there is a conspiracy to grossly subvert the will of the Liberian people during these elections, we see this as completely evil and has no foundation in the Democratic system of our country" the LNBA noted.

The LNBA further disclosed that there is no window of opportunity for anyone to derail the peace of the country as it has received sufficient commitment from international partners that such actions by anyone will be materially consequential.

The LNBA at the same time welcomed the statement from the United States Embassy in Monrovia regarding the conduct of peaceful, creditable, and transparent elections.

The US Embassy through its Charge d'Affairs, Catherine Rodriguez, at her first-round table press conference, indicated that the United States is also prepared to assist in efforts to keep these elections free, fair, and peaceful.

She spoke of holding accountable anyone responsible for engaging in activities to undermine the democratic election process in Liberia through additional measures such as sanctions.

The LNBA however promised to work with the international community to protect Liberia's peace and democracy.

"The LNBA welcomes recent statement from the US Embassy calling on the Government of Liberia to ensure that the pending October 10, 2023, elections are fair, and peaceful and will not hesitate to hold those who would attempt to disrupt it."

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