Liberia: Fallah - Urges Electorate to Vote Wisely to Wipe Out Corruption and Human Rights Abuse On October 10

13 September 2023
press release

Coon Rapids, Minnesota, September 09, 2023 - Mr. Austin S. Fallah, a distinguished graduate student pursuing his Law studies at the renowned Hamline University in Minnesota, USA, has passionately called upon the Liberian electorate to utilize their voting power on October 10, 2023, to send a resounding message against corruption and human rights abuses.

He emphasizes the urgent need for development in Liberia, envisioning a prosperous, united, and peaceful nation where corruption is eradicated.

Speaking before a gathering of fellow Liberians in Coon Rapids, Minnesota, Fallah, who also serves as the President of the Graduate Students Association of Hamline University, voiced his concerns about the prolonged suffering endured by Liberians under current and past administrations.

He decried the adverse effects of immorality and corruption, which have plunged many into abject poverty, tarnished Liberia's reputation with human rights abuses, and transformed it into a sanctuary for drug lords and violent criminals.

Addressing the audience in Anoka County, Minnesota, where they had gathered to celebrate a fellow Liberian's birthday, Fallah drew a poignant parallel between Liberia's current living conditions and the historical injustices faced by enslaved Africans.

He emphasized the need for Liberians to break free from such oppressive circumstances, reminiscent of a bygone era characterized by iron doors, iron windows, high fences, and the fear of being victimized by their own compatriots.

Fallah stated, "In today's civilized world, Liberians must rise above these living standards and embrace a brighter future free from the shackles of insecurity and crime perpetuated by their fellow citizens.

Severe punitive measures must be taken against those responsible for subjecting our people to such conditions."

The accomplished graduate, holding multiple undergraduate and graduate degrees in Economics, Business Administration, Finance, Software Systems Engineering, Public Administration, and Strategic Leadership from revered United States of America Universities, reminded fellow Liberians that October 10, 2023, presents an invaluable opportunity to exercise their constitutional right to vote out corrupt leaders, mis-managers of state resources, and perpetrators of injustice.

Fallah envisioned a Liberia where women, children, and men can move freely day and night without fear of robbery or violence--a Liberia where security forces tirelessly work for the betterment of all citizens.

In conclusion, Fallah fervently implored Liberians not to allow anyone to manipulate their votes and called upon the Liberian government, particularly the Elections Commission, to ensure that every vote is accurately counted, preserving the integrity of the electoral process.

Austin S. Fallah's rallying cry resonates with the collective hope of a brighter future for Liberia--one free from corruption, injustice, and insecurity.

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