Ghana: Don't Foment Trouble During Hogbe Festival - Dan Abodakpi

15 September 2023

The former Member of Parliament (MP) for Keta, Awoamezitor Dan Abodakpi, has urged those attempting to foment chieftaincy trouble during this year's Hogbetsotso festival to stop or have themselves to blame.

According to him, the festival was not being celebrated to glorify the Awomefia, Torgbui Sri III, but to bring together the 36 Anlo communities towards rejuvenating the bond established by the forefathers.

"Our forefathers did not institute this festival for nothing, it's always been a period of peace and unity so no individual or groups of persons would be allowed to disturb the area," he added.

Awoamezitor Abodakpi made these remarks at the launch of this year Hogbetsotso at Anlo-Afiadenyigba in the Keta Municipality of the Volta Region on Tuesday.

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The festival which is the 61st would be climaxed with a grand durbar of chiefs and people at the Hogbe Park on November 4 at Anloga.

Other activities planned for the period include ban on noise-making, congress of chiefs, mini Hogbe for schools, inter schools quiz competition, health walk, street jams and cooking competitions.

The former MP said the struggle from Notsie is over 800 years and how our forefathers managed to flee was still a mystery, therefore the chieftaincy issues emerging must not be allowed, the Anlo state does not need trouble but the peace to develop.

"Those fuelling the current chieftaincy dispute must take caution, the waywardness of the youth these days has become an issue of concern and must be nibbed in the bud now," he added.

He said the Awomezi did not belong to one clan, Torgbui Wenya had no stool, he performs rites for the Awomefia so they must not be allowed to re-write the history of the Anlo state.

The Dufia of Anlo-Afiedenyigba, Torgbi Kadzahlo Drabese IV, in a welcome address, expressed regret over what he described as the divisive conducts by some people in Anlo prior to the celebration of the festival and urged Anlos to uphold the peace and unity for the uninterrupted development of area.

Touching on the festival, he said, there was only one Hogbetsotso Za celebrated by the Anlo State and questioned why another deviant group wants to celebrate the same festival separately.

The festival was instituted six decades ago by the then Awomefia of Anlo, Togbui Adeladza II to commemorate the migration of the people of Anlo from Notsie in the Republic of Togo to their present location.

The celebration also displays the rich culture of the Anlos and draws attention to the business and tourism promotion opportunities in Anlo.

The Awadada of Anlo, Torgbui Agbesi Awusu, assured the chiefs and people of a peaceful festival reminiscence of last year's activity and urged those asking for accountability to contact the appropriate committee for the records

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