Algeria Proposes Political Solution to Ongoing Crisis in Niger

15 September 2023

The President of Algeria, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, has proposed a comprehensive initiative aimed at finding a lasting political solution to the ongoing crisis in Niger.

This initiative which has a six-month timeline for restoring constitutional order, is anchored on transparency and inclusivity with a goal to reshape not only the path of Niger's future, but address the broader regional concerns in the Sahel.

A statement issued by President Tebboune yesterday outlined the five fundamental prerequisites, five objectives and three directional approaches into which the initiative has been divided.

The proposed political solution is expected to be determined under the leadership of a consensual civilian figure accepted by all with the aim to ensure the return to constitutional order within a maximum period of six months and transitional period that would not exceed three years.

According to the statement, the initiative is in the spirit of flexibility and openness to any contribution that might enrich it and increase its chances of success.

It said the solution had been placed within a broader framework of the Sahel region, where an international conference on development would be organized to address the economic and development dimension of the challenges facing the countries in the region.

The proposal, it said, was open to the consideration of all who wish to make their contribution in resolving the crisis in Niger through the setting up of an inclusive national dialogue within one month.

One of the main features of the initiative is to strengthen the principle of rejecting unconstitutional changes, where Algeria would take the initiative to strengthen this principle during the next African Union Summit.

This is expected to put a definitive end to the era of coups, which have long undermined the stability and hampered the development of many countries on the continent.

According to the statement Algeria would initiate intensive consultations with the parties concerned who can contribute to and help bring about a peaceful resolution to the crisis in Niger.

These efforts, it said, would be made in three directions: towards the parties concerned in Niger, towards Niger's neighbors and ECOWAS member states, particularly Nigeria, and towards partners wishing to support the process of ending the political crisis in Niger.

On 26 July 2023, a coup d'état occurred in Niger, in which the country's presidential guard removed and detained President Mohamed Bazoum.

Presidential guard commander General Abdourahamane Tchiani proclaimed himself the leader of a military junta shortly after confirming the coup to be a success.

With ECOWAS threatening to use military intervention to restore democratic rule, efforts are being made by countries like Algeria and international bodies to achieve same but through diplomatic means.

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