Ghana: NDC Condemns Police Brutalities On Occupy Jubilee House Protesters

22 September 2023

The National Democratic Congress (NDC) says it is disappointed with the brutality meted out on the Occupy Jubilee House protesters in the early hours of Thursday.

A statement signed by the NDC General Secretary, Fifi Fiavi Kwetey, copied the Ghanaian Times said

"The NDC is saddened by such crude tactics being deployed by the Police at a time when the IGP is being

applauded for making efforts toward transforming the Ghana Police Service into the best institution in

the country."

"This show of brute force runs counter to that. It's regrettable the police would think that violence and suppression of human rights is the best way to address issues," the statement added.

"After 31 years of our democratic journey, it is a crying shame that we cannot find more peaceful ways to address these issues. This is a massive step backward for our democracy."

We, hereby, call on the police to use professional means to handle these issues and to release the arrested protesters forthwith," the statement said.

"In the spirit of solidarity, we extend empathy to protesters who have been injured and/or detained by the police. We hereby call on all progressive forces to join the NDC to provide legal and other support

to assist all the protesters who have been arrested or injured by the police."

NDC condemns police brutalities on occupy jubilee house protestersBy Times ReporterThe National Democratic Congress (NDC) says it is disappointed with the brutality metedout on the Occupy Jubilee House protesters in the early hours of Thursday. A statement signed by the NDC General Secretary, Fifi Fiavi Kwetey, copied the Ghanaian Times said"The NDC is saddened by such crude tactics being deployed by the Police at a time when the IGP is beingapplauded for making efforts toward transforming the Ghana Police Service into the best institution inthe country."This show of brute force runs counter to that. It's regrettable the police would think thatviolence and suppression of human rights is the best way to address issues," the statement added. "After 31 years of our democratic journey, it is a crying shame that we cannot find more peaceful waysto address these issues. This is a massive step backward for our democracy." We, hereby, call on the police to use professional means to handle these issues and to release thearrested protesters forthwith," the statement said. "In the spirit of solidarity, we extend empathy to protesters who have been injured and/or detained bythe police. We hereby call on all progressive forces to join the NDC to provide legal and other supportto assist all the protesters who have been arrested or injured by the police."

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