Liberia: Boakai Commits to Deal With Major Challenges

22 September 2023

Presidential candidate Amb. Joseph Nyumah Boakai has diagnosed Liberia's major foundational challenges that confront the country's prosperity and progress.

The former ruling Unity Party (UP) presidential candidate has named political marginalization, economic inequalities, and social injustice as some of the major challenges.

Boakai also named corruption, insecurity, drug epidemic, poor infrastructure, youth unemployment, hunger, disease and ignorance as major foundational challenges confronting Liberia's prosperity and progress.

Speaking recently in Monrovia, Amb. Boakai assured Liberians that if elected, his administration will arrest those foundational challenges and provide inclusive economic and educational opportunities for all Liberians.

"Secondly, we recognize the challenges that lie ahead. Our society faces many foundational challenges; challenges of political marginalization of citizens in the decision-making process, economic inequalities, social injustice, [and] corruption," he said.

In the face of these challenges, the opposition politician said that together, they will confront these challenges head-on, with compassion and determination.

The Ex-Liberian Vice President stated that they will work tirelessly to create an inclusive society, where no one is left behind.

Vowed to create a society where opportunities are abundant, and the future is brighter for each generation.

"In tandem, we will improve agriculture production, improve our infrastructure including roads, [and] ensure law and order in our society," he noted.

Mr. Boakai promised to invest in the education of young people, improve health and sanitation, prevent the degradation of the environment, and develop its potential for tourism to AREST the dire political, economic and social challenges faced as a country.

Amb. Boakai emphasized that transformation will be driven by the people, and therefore education will be a major part of his government's agenda.

"A well-educated society is a thriving society. We will invest in our schools, teachers, and students, ensuring that quality education is accessible to all."

"By equipping our young minds with the knowledge and skills they need, we will unlock their potentials, drive innovation, enhance their dignity and secure a prosperous future for our nation," Amb. Boakai disclosed.

According to the UP presidential candidate, his government will not allow the resources of Liberia to be mortgaged by a few people for their selfish interests.

He further narrated that the people of Liberia and their government under his stewardship will be equal partners in the judicious exploitation of national resources for the good of the people.

He stated that if there must be economic growth from the exploitation of the resources, that growth must be equal for the people and must come with development.

"Thirdly, I assure you that the transformation we seek will have transparency and accountability as the cornerstones of our administration, when given the mandate on October 10."

"Gone are the days when only a few people decided the fate of the country through their hidden agendas. Gone are the days when Government is seen as a center for exploitation and ill-gotten wealth," he said.

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