Liberia: Nyanti Promises Lasting Prosperity If Elected

Sara Beysolow Nyanti is running for president in Liberia's elections in October.

Sara Beysolow Nyanti, one of the two female presidential candidates, is stirring the hearts and minds of Liberians with her "ambitious vision."

With a promise to lead Liberia to prosperity, she aspires to bring much-needed change to a country still grappling with the aftermath of a devastating civil war and striving to rebuild its economy.

Amidst thousands of jubilant supporters braving torrential rains on September 23, Nyanti, an experienced international public servant, officially launched her presidential campaign at the Jacob Town Football Pitch in Paynesville, promising to change the course of the country's terrible governance history.

With relative political instability, Liberia continues to struggle with the issues of corruption, and economic challenges.

Emerging from a brutal civil war that spanned from 1989 to 2003, the country has made significant strides towards peace and reconciliation. However, the scars of the war remain, and Liberians yearn for a leader who can steer the nation towards prosperity and stability.

Backed by her newly formed African Liberation League (ALL), the lone female presidential candidate represents a new hope for the country. With a platform built on a commitment to economic growth, good governance, and social development, she envisions a prosperous Liberia that will uplift its people and restore faith in the government.

With a distinguished track record as an Under Secretary General of the United Nations (UN) with respective stints as head of UN missions in Nepal and South Sudan, Nyanti, at her campaign launch, outlined her vision for Liberia's future.

She pledged to eradicate poverty, establish robust systems, and create opportunities, all firmly rooted in principles of fairness, equity, justice, inclusion, and meritocracy.

Nyanti's rallying cry was simple yet profound: "Vote number 15 on October 10th, 2023." In doing so, Liberians would not merely be casting their ballots; they would be casting their vote for five decades of collective experience in transforming nations.

At the heart of Nyanti's vision is a strong focus on economic growth and development. She believes that Liberia's vast natural resources can be harnessed sustainably to drive the economy forward. By promoting foreign investment, creating job opportunities, and diversifying the economy, she aims to uplift the standard of living for all Liberians.

Furthermore, she recognizes the importance of investing in infrastructure, particularly in rural areas, to connect communities and foster economic growth. She plans to prioritize the improvement of roads, electricity supply, and healthcare facilities, which will not only enhance citizens' everyday lives but also attract investors.

The African Liberation League, a fast-growing political force, embodies a commitment to unity and the collective welfare of all people.

"A vote for Nyanti and her running mate, Simeon Moribah, is a vote for the ideals of progress, unity, and a brighter future for Liberia," she told her mammoth audience on Saturday. "With this, we stand ready to lead Liberia toward prosperity, just as we have done for nations across the world. A vote for ALL is a vote for a Liberia that stands tall and proud among nations, an embodiment of hope, transformation, and unity."

Nyanti further stressed how critical a role Liberia has to play in the process, being the oldest African independent nation, poised for a historic election on October 10th, 2023.

Drawing on her impressive tenure as the former United Nations Special Representative of the Secretary-General in Nepal and South Sudan, Nyanti highlighted her role in establishing sustainable systems that reduced poverty and ushered in progress in various nations worldwide.

These efforts spanned areas such as quality healthcare delivery, education, infrastructure development, and economic prosperity.

Nyanti's promise to Liberia is clear: her leadership, in collaboration with her running mate Simeon Moribah, will introduce similar initiatives to elevate Liberia's status on the global stage.

The ALL candidates firmly believe that good governance and transparency are fundamental to Liberia's progress and, as such, they are determined to tackle entrenched corruption, advocating for stronger anti-corruption measures and ensuring accountability within the government. By strengthening institutions and enforcing transparency in public administration, Nyanti and her team aim to build a more inclusive and fair society.

In her pursuit of good governance, she also emphasizes the importance of gender equality and empowerment. As a trailblazer herself, she aims to create opportunities for women in all sectors, ensuring their meaningful participation in decision-making processes and reaffirming their fundamental rights.

The African Liberation League (ALL) seeks to bring unity and progress, not only to Liberia but to the entire African continent.

Nyanti's conviction is unwavering: "If Liberia gets it right on October 10th, 2023, by voting wisely, the rest of Africa will follow suit." Her vision extends far beyond the borders of Liberia, offering a beacon of hope for the continent's future.

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