Liberia: Weah Gets Lofa Commitment

28 September 2023

The ruling Coalition for Democratic Change or CDC continues to show strength in Lofa, regarded as the opposition Unity Party stronghold as they shake up things flooding the streets of Voinjama with Blue T-shirts and Red Barrettes.

The showing of CDC has left many pledges of loyalty to the ruling party ahead of the October 10 polls, as incumbent President George Weah wrapped up his campaign tour.

Lofa County is the stronghold of opposition leader Amb. Joseph Nyumah Boakai, the main rival to incumbent President George Manneh Weah.

Mr. Weah and his ruling CDC have been in the county pleading with potential voters to support their re-election bid.

During President Weah's campaign tour in Salayea, Zorzor, Voinjama, Kolahun, Massabolahun, and Foya Districts, the electorate committed promised massive support for the ruling party's victory in the October polls.

In previous presidential elections, Mr. Weah received low support from Lofa compared to his main rival Amb. Boakai who hails from the county.

In 2011, Mr. Weah's Congress for Democratic Change (CDC) obtained just 13.9% of the votes count, while Amb. Boakai's Unity Party (UP) obtained 71%.

In the 2017 elections, Mr. Weah and his Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) also obtained 15.80%, and Boakai's UP obtained 84.20 % of the vote in Lofa.

But President Weah has pleaded with voters to back him in this year's elections for more developments.

Various speakers in separate town hall meetings in various districts assured Mr. Weah of a massive victory on 10 October.

First-time voters, women, traditional chiefs, and elders across the county assured maximum support for the incumbent.

For his part, CDC's Lofa County senatorial candidate Moses Kollie has expressed confidence that Lofaians will change the narratives in this year's elections.

He believes that Mr. Weah will get massive support.

Speaking in Voinjama City, Lofa County Superintendent William Tamba Kamba said the people of Lofa have seen the magnificent works that President Weah has done over the years and they will not let him down this time.

Also speaking, Montserrado County Representative Thomas Fallah, also a son of Lofa County, said Lofaians will vote for President Weah.

According to him, the people of Foya and Lofa County now understand and have seen President Weah's genuine commitment and good plans for the development of the county.

Meanwhile, President Weah has renewed the hope of the people of Lofa, committing his government to adequately develop the county in his second term.

"I have heard various speakers, all assuring me. You've now decided to vote for me. You did not vote [for me] in 2017, but I still give you free education, electricity, building hospitals and connecting your roads," said Mr. Weah.

"Now you Lofaians have promised me that you will build the future of your country by voting for a CDC government, the only government that can rescue you," President Weah added.

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