Liberia: I Will Not Disappoint You

29 September 2023

-Candidate Josephine Davies tells residents of District#12

Ruling Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) Representative Candidate in Montserrado County electoral district#10, Josephine Davies, promises that she will not disappoint the people of the district if elected to represent the district.

"I didn't fail you during my time as inspector general of this country and today, I want to assure you that I will never disappoint you if you elect me as your next representative", she says. Madam Davis formerly served as Inspector General at the Ministry of Commerce and Industry prior to entering politics

She made the vow before hundreds of supporters at the CDC headquarters in oldest Congo town late Wednesday evening September 27, 2023, when she launched her campaign, ahead of the October 10th polls.

She vows never to betray the trust of the people of District #10 when she's given the chance to represent them in the legislature, saying "Among all the seventeen candidates, you chose me to represent you at the legislature and this call I have accepted."

She notes that the presence of residents at her campaign launch clearly shows they are tired of incumbent opposition Lawmaker Yekeh Kolubah, an outspoken critic of President Weah.

"This isn't about political parties; instead, it's about women's representation, you all are witnesses to the terrible things that are taking place across our district; waking up every morning [and] listening to insults from someone who calls [himself] representative is sad; never again should we make such mistake."

She lauds her supporters for the trust reposed in her, saying that their convergence at the launch has given her a deep sense of direction, vowing to go all out to redeem District#10 from the hands of the incumbent, who describes as incompetent and arrogant.

She calls on residents of the constituency to turn out on October 10th to cast their ballots for the CDC.

"The people are looking for someone of a moral voice, not someone that will take pleasure in using invectives against leaders of the country", Candidate Davies adds.

She pledges to implement recommendations put forth by elders of the district, including loans for market women, ambulance for pregnant women and sick children, modern high school and a multipurpose district office.

"What you did today sent a message and this will go down in history; no room for violence indecency and barbarism."

Speaking on behalf of the CDC at the campaign launch, Assistant Youth and Sports Minister, Malias Z. Sheriff, describes incumbent Representative Kolubah as a national embarrassment.

"Yekeh Kolubah is a national embarrassment, he is an international disgrace to this country."

Sheriff explains the fight isn't about Josephine Davies, because she is just the messenger, as the fight is about the redemption of the people of district#10.

"Today, you are here to inform Yekeh Kolubah that our women and children need to be respected; you are to send a clear message that you are retiring him from the legislature.

There's a need that you throw your weight behind a decent character, how can you have a so-called lawmaker insulting people every day, this must stop and to do it we in the CDC rely on your support", he notes.

"We say no ma cuss' no crazy lawmaker, no to disgruntled individuals but we say yes to a redeemer and a political gladiator in person of Josephine Davies", the ruling CDC member explains.

The campaign launch, which began with a grand parade involving hundreds of supporters in the streets of Old Road and several communities before climaxing at the CDC headquarters where speeches were made.

Supporters of the former commerce inspector general were heard singing anti Kolubah songs and slogans, "We na want Ma Cuss and disgruntled lawmaker; we want Jojo."

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