Liberia: Nimbaians Give Weah Hope

With just eleven days for the conduct of the Presidential and Legislative Elections in the country, President George M. Weah is leaving no stone unturned as he continues to move in all the trenches of Liberia to woo voters for his reelection bid.

In continuation of his campaign trail across the country, the Liberian leader yesterday arrived in Nimba County; the stronghold of Senator Prince Y. Johnson who has switched his allegiance to Unity Party Standard-bearer, Joseph N. Boakai, the main challenger to President Weah.

Weah was received by thousands of supporters as well as sympathizers and partisans of the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) in the vote-rich county where he's expected to draw supporters for his second terms bid.

Like Lofa County, Nimba County is one of the most contested counties in the 2023 Presidential poll as Senator Jeremiah Koung, Boakai's running mate hails from the northern vote-rich county. Weah's support in Nimba County could be squarely based on the level of development his administration has undertaken in the county despite the fact that the Unity Party's Vice Standard-bearer, Jeremiah Koung hails from the county.

Nimba County is divided amongst several Presidential Candidates including respected Human Rights Lawyer, Tiawon Gongloe, a native of Nimba County, Joseph Boakai whose running mate is from the county, President Weah whose developmental initiatives qualifies him to get some of the voters and businessman turned politician, Alexander B. Cummings who also draws huge from the county.

Incumbent George Manneh Weah's visit in Nimba County is being considered as a key test to his reelection bid as the county host the second largest population of Liberia next to Montserrado County which the Unity Party has strong grips on with the presence of Senator Koung.

Mr. Weah is continuing a try of luck in that part of Liberia, a Vote-rich region, as he looks to woo" support, while galvanizing votes from outside some of his main territories in an area established as opposition stronghold.

Weah is seeking reelection after six years of his leadership which his critics describe as poor. He's be heavily challenged by former Vice President Joseph N. Boakai who hails from Lofa County. Weah defeated Boakai in 14 of the 15 counties in Liberia with Boakai winning his home county, Lofa.

President Weah faces 19 other contenders in highly anticipated competitive elections, which come in 14 days. His main challenger, Unity Party Standard-bearer Joseph Nyumah Boakai looks to hold a strong tie in Lofa County and Nimba Counties where Mr. Weah is trying to break the tradition as he intensifies his campaign activities.

Meanwhile, hundreds of supporters of Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) yesterday overwhelmingly welcomed President Weah, and his entourage who stormed Ganta City where he held a political engagement with citizens of Nimba County.

Weah and his entourage are expected to hold series of political engagements in the county before moving to the Southeastern region of Liberia where he commands thousands of voters.

President Weah hails from the Southeastern county of Grand Kru and is expected to pull thousands of voters for his reelection bid.

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