Nigeria: Customs, Army, Moves to End Transborder Crimes in Katsina

1 October 2023

Katsina — ·To resuscitate joint security taskforce

The Nigeria Customs Service (NCS), Nigerian Army (NA), Nigeria Police Force, Nigeria Immigration Service (NIS), and other security agencies in Katsina state have promised to maintain their synergy to combat cross-border and internal security threats posed to the nation by criminal elements.

The heads of the agencies made the vow when the Controller of the Katsina Area Command of the NCS, Mohammed Abubakar Umar, paid them a courtesy visit in their respective offices in Katsina, the state capital.

Speaking at the Headquarters of the 17 Brigade, Nigeria Army, Katsina, the Controller solicited the cooperation of the Brigade Commander, Brigadier-General Oluremi Ayobami Fadairo, in curbing transborder crimes in the state.

A statement issued by the Public Relations Officer of the NCS, yesterday, quoted Umar as advocating a joint security taskforce and credible intelligence sharing among military and paramilitary agencies to tame transborder crimes and other security challenges bedeviling the state.

Umar explained that the sharing of credible intelligence would further enhance national security and foster friendship, and unity, and eliminate all forms of reveries among security agencies in the state.

Responding, Brigadier-General Oluremi Ayobami Fadairo, said the Nigerian Army would continue to work assiduously with the NCS in tackling transborder crimes, banditry, and other security challenges in the state.

He reiterated that the Nigerian troops would not relent on their oars until the criminal gangs terrorising communities in the state were completely flushed out, adding that intelligence sharing remained the cardinal in the ongoing war against the hoodlums.

At the State Police Command, the Controller told the Commissioner of Police, Aliyu Abubakar Musa, the Nigeria Customs Service is ever-ready to work with the police to facilitate trade in the state without compromising national security.

He reaffirmed NCS' determination and commitment to collaborate with the Nigeria Police Force and other security agencies to curb cross-border crimes, especially the smuggling of small arms and light weapons in the state.

According to him, "We are also going to resuscitate the joint security taskforce and other security measures that will help in nipping in the bud banditry and other crimes in the society."

In his remarks, CP Musa said the command would accord the NCS the needed cooperation and support to address smuggling and other transborder crimes for development and legitimate economic activities to thrive.

The statement reads: "The Controller of the Katsina Area Command of the Nigeria Customs Service, also visited the Controller of the Nigeria Immigration Service, Mohammed Adamu, where he also advocated the need for synergy to end the activities of those he termed economic saboteurs.

"He (Umar) said the NCS was desirous of a collaborative effort of all security agencies towards intelligence sharing, decimating criminals, and providing a peaceful atmosphere for Nigerians.

In his response, Adamu described the courtesy call as the right step towards cementing the already existing relationship among security agencies in the state.

"Comptroller Mohammed Abubakar Umar also visited the Katsina State Commands of the Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC), National Drugs Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA), Nigeria Correctional Service (NCoS) and the Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC) where they all assured readiness to ensure effective partnership in all ramifications for better service delivery in the state."

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