Liberia: CDC Condemns Lofa Violence

The ruling Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) has extended sympathy to the bereaved family of the violence in Lofa County that led to the death of two persons.

CDC Secretary General Jefferson Koijee expressed grief on behalf of the Coalition and announced a day of mourning.

"We will work alongside the police and the justice ministry to bring the perpetrator to justice" he added.

Speaking late Friday, September 29, 2023 few minutes after the reported death of two individuals believed to be partisans of the CDC, Koijee called on the police to investigate the violence that occurred between supporters of the ruling Coalition and the opposition Unity Party.

He extolled partisans and supporters for showing interest in the reelection bid of President Weah.

He further extolled the people of Lofa and Nimba counties for the warm reception accorded President Weah, who is continuing his campaign trail along with his entourage.

"We want our international friends to take siege of this matter including the police; we want them to act faster in this situation and bring those perpetrators to justice", Koijee urged.

He reassured that the CDC will guarantee the peace of Liberia but such can't be at the disadvantage of partisans, saying no Liberian irrespective of political affiliation deserves to die.

Meanwhile, the international community, including ECOWAS and the United States have condemned the violence and called for prompt investigation.

Editing by Jonathan Browne

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