Mozambique: Campaigning Remains Peaceful With Little Violence

Municipal election results announced by Friday 22.00 on October 13, 2023.

Campaigning has largely remains calm. The only reported incidents of violence on Saturday were two serious skirmishes between Frelimo and Renamo supporters in Ulongue, Tete, with injuries on both sides.

Indeed, there were more reports of police peacefully intervening to prevent confrontations between opposing supporters. For example between Frelimo and Pahumo in Nacala-Port, and between Frelimo and Nova Democracia in Chokwé, Gaza.

In Moatize, Tete, and in Tete City, Renamo tried to attack the Frelimo headquarters but police intervened.

In Vilankulo Frelimo sent a letter to the police requesting authorisation for amarch on Saturday along the same route, and at the same time, where Renamo had already been authorized to hold a procession. The district police command refused the Frelimo request and suggested and approved another route.

In Chiure, Cabo Delgado, plans by two parties to hold rallies in Milamba neighbourhood at the same time were resolved peacefully, and by agreement one rally was delayed.

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