Liberia: Cummings Wraps Up Campaign - Promises to Build a Prosperous Nation Governed By Law

Gbarnga — The Standard Bearer of the Collaborating Political Parties (CPP), Mr. Alexander Cummings, has concluded his visit to Bong County and is currently in Nimba County on the last leg of his campaign trail ahead of the October poll.

Cummings, accompanied by CPP stalwarts and independent legislative aspirants, made stops in several towns along the way, including Salayea, Totota, and Belefani in Zota District. In Belefani, a special program was held in appreciation of the construction of a Resource Center in 2017.

The Alexander Cummings Resources Center boasts an auditorium, three rooms with baths, computers, and a television.

The program was attended by hundreds of citizens, including Chiefs, elders, women, youth, and inter-religious groups, as well as CPP partisans and supporters who reaffirmed their support for Cummings' Presidential bid on October 10.

In Gbarnga, a special thanksgiving service was held to celebrate the safe arrival of the CPP Standard Bearer and entourage at the Philadelphia Gbarnga Solutions Center, attended by hundreds of citizens in Bong County.

Cummings expressed his happiness in concluding his campaign in the House of God and requested special prayers for Liberia to hold peaceful elections. He emphasized that his quest for the presidency aimed not to steal public resources but to build a prosperous nation governed by the rule of law.

He vowed to tackle the issue of corruption and attributed the deteriorating economic conditions to the repeated mistakes of electing weak and incompetent leaders, like President George Weah. Cummings pleaded with citizens of Bong County to grant him the opportunity to serve Liberia as President, assuring them that he will not disappoint or dash the hopes of Liberians for real change.

The CPP Standard Bearer made it clear that returning to the past, referring to former Vice President Joseph N. Boakai, must never be an option. Cummings promised to build a wholesome functioning governance system that includes all Liberians, regardless of political, religious affiliation, or ethnicity.

He reiterated his promise to provide micro-finance loans for Liberian businesses and support farmers in making the country self-sufficient in food production. Cummings emphasized that he would fulfill all his promises and cited other countries that have made significant advancements, not because they are smarter, but due to visionary leadership. He believes Liberia can achieve even greater success.

Clergymen of the Philadelphia Church later offered special prayers for Mr. Cummings and divine intervention from God to help Liberians make better choices in the October polls.

The CPP Standard Bearer then joined hundreds of citizens in Bellemue, District #4, to participate in the campaign launch of its Legislative Aspirant, Mr. Jonah Nulee Togbah. Cummings received a rousing reception and the traditional welcome ceremony with white chickens and kola nuts from chiefs and elders, symbolizing purity and assurance of support for his Presidential bid on October 10.

The CPP Standard Bearer and his entourage spent the night in Saclepea, where he is expected to visit several towns, hold townhall meetings, and consult with key political actors, as well as CPP partisans and supporters.

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