Kenya: Mudavadi, Miano Welcome Reassignments in Ruto's First Cabinet Reshuffle

President William Ruto.
5 October 2023

Nairobi — Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi has welcomed President William Ruto's move to assign him an expanded ministerial portfolio in a reshuffled announced Wednesday night.

Mudavadi who was named Foreign Affairs Cabinet Secretary in addition to his role as chief minister thanked the Head of State for entrusting the "vital role" of leading Kenya's Foreign Office to him.

"I am fully aware of the significance of my dual role, and I embrace the opportunity with a profound sense of duty and dedication," he said on Thursday.

"I pledge to continue serving the people of Kenya and our country with unwavering commitment, integrity, and diligence," Mudavadi remarked.

The Prime Cabinet Secretary promised to "champion, pursue, and protect the interests of Kenyans, both within our borders and abroad."

Rebecca Miano who was named Trade and Investments Cabinet Secretary having moved from EAC and Regional Development also expressed gratitude for the redeployment.

"It is with honour and humility that I assume my new assignment at the Ministry of Investments, Trade and Industry," she said.

"I remain dedicated to advancing our nation's growth, as envisioned in the Bottom-Up Economic Transformation Agenda, and delivering progress to the people of Kenya. So help me God."

Kuria, Jumwa redeployed

Miano replaced Moses Kuria who was redeployed to a reconfigured Ministry of Public Service, Performance and Delivery Management.

Aisha Jumwa moved from Public Service to the Ministry of Gender, Culture, the Arts and Heritage.

Ruto named Alfred Mutua Cabinet Secretary in Ministry of Tourism and Wildlife deploying Peninah Malonza to EAC and Regional Development.

Alice Wahome and Zachary Mwangi switched the Water and Lands dockets respectively.

Ruto's Chief of Staff Felix Koskei also announced reassignment of eight Principal Secretaries marking the second time the Head of State has reorganized leadership at the State Department level.

He named Hassan Kello Principal Secretary in charge of ASALs and Rehional Development, Julius Korir (Water and Sanitation) and assigned Geoffrey Kaituko the Shipping and Maritime Affairs docket.

The Head of State moved Shadrack Mwadime to the State Department of Labour and Skills Development while naming Paul Ronoh the PS for Crop Development.

He assigned Salim Dakota, Anne Wang'ombe and Veronica Nduva the Cabinet Affairs, Gender and Affirmative Action, and Performance and Delivery Management dockets respectively.

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