Liberia: CDC Closes Campaign With Mammoth Rally

The ruling Coalition for Democratic Change or CDC on Sunday closed its month-long campaign with a mammoth victory rally a day after main opposition rival Unity Party ended its campaign.

Partisans and supporters of the ruling party flooded the streets of Monrovia and the main Tubman boulevard as they sang various victory songs ahead of Tuesday, October 10 polls.

The victory rally also comes as incumbent President Weah rounded up his campaign tour in Rivercess County on Saturday, October 7, calling on voters to give him a second term to enable him to complete his developmental projects which he began over the last five years.

President Weah has insisted that his government has undertaken more developmental projects in its first term as compared to others before him and as such he wants voters to give him a second term.

President Weah and his ruling Coalition government are seeking a second term to complete ongoing developments, mainly roads that remain a major challenge, particularly outside Monrovia, the capital.

CDCIans marching on Sunday, October 8 , 2023

Mr. Weah says one term is inadequate to enable him achieve his dreams for Liberia, as he wants to leave a legacy before stepping down. He left a legacy on the global stage in football, winning Africa, European and World Best title all in one year.

His unmatched successes in soccer has drawn the nation's youth to him dearly for obvious reasons since entering politics in 2005. Young people constitute more than 50 percent of the population of Liberia and they see themselves in President Weah, not only as a beacon of hope, but a pride for the country.

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The President recently cautioned youth of Liberia most of them first time voters, during a campaign rally in Grand Bassa County, not to allow rhetoric from failed politicians to hijack their future. Rather, he rallied them to seize opportunities of transformation and development that will enable them to have a prosperous future under his administration.

He urged the youth to stick with the ruling CDC that has already begun work and is on the right path of transforming their lives thru capacity building to make them good leaders for tomorrow.

"Don't allow these failed politicians, who are only coming to fool you and allow your good and favorable future to wear away; deny those who have failed you for 12 years and now they're coming to you again asking you to vote them, and deny the opportunity, through education, empowerment, my administration has given you", he said.

President Weah: "Remember I'm no different from you; seeing me here today as your President, you too can be President one day, so don't let them fool you; don't mind them, they have nothing to give you; only lies and rhetoric."

His message resonated do well among the young people, moving them to cheer, as he urged them to seize opportunities his government has created for the youth, noting that gone are those days when the Presidency was a taboo for young people and the downtrodden, reserved exclusively for the upper class or the elites.

According to him, under his watch, the narrative has changed, as every Liberian is equal under the law, equal in opportunities, and capable of being a leader in every capacity, even as President of Liberia.

The President revealed that he has launched a "people's struggle" to change such demeaning and segregating narrative so that every Liberian, no matter where they are or who their parents are, can harness their future.

"Young people don't allow this glorious opportunity to slip out of your hands because the future belongs to you. This is our moment."

In Rivergee County, Mr. Weah promised more developments, and boasted of gains made by his administration, pointing to road connectivity, infrastructure development and electricity, while emphasizing that his government has done much in the last five years in making his impact felt throughout Liberia.

"Road construction, health and educational infrastructures, bridges, electricity supply to both rural and urban populations, women and youth empowerment and many others", he said, while describing himself as "Development Kingon."

The CDC-led government has campaigned on tuition-free public universities and colleges, payment of WASSCE fees for 12th graders both in public and private schools across the country, among others.

But two main critics of the government, Ambassador Boakai and Mr. Cummings think President Weah has performed dismally and dragged Liberia into socio-economic shackle, with poverty devastating ordinary citizens, many of whom can highly afford to send their children to school, enjoy better health or to put food on the table for the family.-Othello B. Garblah

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